
Active Member
Hey all, been out on a few last minute lanes with a mate of mine this mornin just to pass a couple of hours on (seen as the weather is right) :rofl:, and the route we took went past the end of stanage edge at the bottom and had a "road closed" sign in the middle stoping any trafic going up, just wandering if anyone knows if this is a permanent fixture or just close for maintenance? hope not as this is one of my fave lanes :(
I thought there is a VTRO to come down it only

Hope its open as in 3 weeks time I am driving it
It might just be a crafty bobble hat trick to deter those gosh awful mucky trucks from spoiling their view as they walk.
not heard owt about this.
it's probly some bobble hat that put it there.

EDIT: it's only just been legally classified a B.O.A.T
It might just be a crafty bobble hat trick to deter those gosh awful mucky trucks from spoiling their view as they walk.
:rofl: haha yeh sounds about right, i know theres a volentary one way system, preff downwards but when a few of us went down at easter there was no sign at the bottom, dont know about the top as we didnt go down today but like you say prob just some crafty trick by the bobble brigade! :argue:
Yes it is closed we was going to do it yesterday there was a road closed sign with a notice saying a culvert had collapsed leaving a large hole so was closed to everybody for safety reasons
Yes it is closed we was going to do it yesterday there was a road closed sign with a notice saying a culvert had collapsed leaving a large hole so was closed to everybody for safety reasons

Apologies to the bobble brigade then. I take it back. :D :D
Well that's a damn shame as GLASS guys were up there not long ago sorting it out. Now I suppose it'll all have to be done again. :(
ah crap no way

doubt that will be getting fixed any time soon then

prob ramblers undermined the culvert
don't know if its the one that they repaired didn't go have a look was way too cold for a walk lol. if it doesn't get fixed soon might never get done :(
Had the official reply today from the ROW officer

Yes it was closed at the weekend due to the collapse of a short section of the road due to water undercutting the surface. It will be closed for 3 months pending repairs by DCC.

Dont old your breath
yu could all join CRAG and help to repair it??? Put a little back that you've taken out???
I was in CRAG and did lane repairs thankyou very much

CRAG is in hibernation and nothing happening on boards etc

Shame I enjoyed CRAG and was some top blokes

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