
New Member
Evenin all,

I have a wee problem, not yet major, just asking if it could lead to something larger:rolleyes:

Couple of times now the old girl has stalled (felt like fuel starvation) just after starting up and moving off. Both times was probably moving off a bit quicker after start up than I usually do.

My first guess, and forgive the crap desciption here, is that I'm starting up on fuel in/on/arround the injectors, but since parking overnight its run back down the fule line so if i'm too quick the lift pump hasn't replaced this yet. So, potential problem with blead back or something?

Sounds like bollocks to me, but hey, trying to have a stab at the problem:D
It sounds like air in the fuel line to me but I wouldn't feel conformable suggesting a cure because it would just be a stab in the dark.
it's deffo the leak-off pipes, they loosen, I took to keping a spanner on the dash (can't remember the size but it aint metric) a quick nip-up and alls well.

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