
Well-Known Member
I was trawling tinternet tuther day and stumbled across some replacement stainless steel rear door hinges for a disco! brain must not have been functioning correctly at the time.:confused:
As It wasn't until a few days later that I thought "**** I could do with a couple of them" and now obviously can't find the bloody things again!!!

Has any one bought any of these and can tell me where to get em from.

depends what the history folder is set to keep. Mine deletes on exit - so no history and less tons of c*** on the hdd!

Duno! Thought they were stainless hinges but I might be wrong!:confused:
As per "The Mad Hat Man", set up with no history folder,prevents me accidentally falling on the kids "Games sites" and vice versa;)
There is someone selling a set of hinges for a Discovery 2 on Ebay, item no. 160071904883 they have 1 day and 8 hours to the end of auction and currently sit at £10 + £5 postage. I have recently had to replace my bottom hinge and that wasn't stainless steel, it was more like galvanised. Any how a guy on this site thought the hinges for a Dico 1 & 2 were the same, you'd need to check that though.
Thanks Toad:)

Mine are not knacked yet (dropped a little though) but they dont look too healthy and would like to change em cos that's one heavy door!!!!!!

Off to have a look at that now!

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