
Active Member

SRS light has decided of its own free will to remain on, tried the usual things of connection under seat and disconnecting battery and reconnecting yet still it refuses to sleep. Anyone close to Herts, Beds, Bucks border got some new fangled gizmo they could plug in and tell me what's up?


SRS light has decided of its own free will to remain on, tried the usual things of connection under seat and disconnecting battery and reconnecting yet still it refuses to sleep. Anyone close to Herts, Beds, Bucks border got some new fangled gizmo they could plug in and tell me what's up?

Did you ever sort it? if so what was the problem?
Not sure if less active users. I've gone through pages of the srs light fault and they go nowhere. either like this never sorted or people post, get it fixed then don't reply what the solution was which aint really helpful. Its a two way street this forum stuff. If folk expect help, at least put the solution up when sorted to help others.
When i sort it i'll certainly post back just in case you still have the car with the SRS glaring at ya :) best of luck mate
has the Freelander got a Rotary coupling as thats a common fault?

plus your comment 'not what it was'
doesnt really help
Not sure if less active users. I've gone through pages of the srs light fault and they go nowhere. either like this never sorted or people post, get it fixed then don't reply what the solution was which aint really helpful. Its a two way street this forum stuff. If folk expect help, at least put the solution up when sorted to help others.
When i sort it i'll certainly post back just in case you still have the car with the SRS glaring at ya :) best of luck mate

Well said
Man alive this is going to go 'off topic' if we aint careful ;)

I've checked the under seat connections, gonna check steering wheel tomorrow.

Be great if there was a definitive answer to the disconnect battery for 20 seconds advice. not sure if its urban myth or something cos i can't actually find anybody that has come back saying it actually works!

From what i can gather, if its a crash it hard codes, if not and you sort the issue it will auto reset. Confirmation of this wold be good because without knowing if it auto resets, i could be chasing a fault thats no longer there:confused:
Man alive this is going to go 'off topic' if we aint careful ;)

I've checked the under seat connections, gonna check steering wheel tomorrow.

Be great if there was a definitive answer to the disconnect battery for 20 seconds advice. not sure if its urban myth or something cos i can't actually find anybody that has come back saying it actually works!

From what i can gather, if its a crash it hard codes, if not and you sort the issue it will auto reset. Confirmation of this wold be good because without knowing if it auto resets, i could be chasing a fault thats no longer there:confused:

I've tried the suggested remedies too, disconnect battery and leave disconnected for an hour. Pull out leads under seat and reconnect, etc
LOL i swear its an urban myth man. Thousands of freelander owners fruitlessly disconnecting batteries and setting stop watches to 20 mins pmsl. I aint falling for it!
See you in 25 lol
Why such a negative reaction to what was a neutral observation?

Perhaps I've taken it the wrong way and if I did then I apologise, however it is the way I read it. I did throw in my tuppence worth, having had the same fault on a Discovery.
Managed to get one off Ebay for £15 so took a punt and sorted the fault.

I have recently returned to Landyzone, not what it was, thinks I
Bound to be something more in depth than unplugging and replugging the connections under the seat for me!

Yeah, did all that voodoo and it didn't work.
Only sure way is to get codes read or take a punt if you can find a coupler cheap enough. Takes longer waiting for the airbag in the steering wheel to discharge than it does to change the coupler

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