how pitted is that diff pan?
It looks worse in that picture than it really is, as I had only given it a quick wire-brushing. So the pitting is more pronounced. I've now been all over with the wire-brush, given it a coat of Coroless primer and a coat of Frosts chassis black. I'll post up some pics soon - but it's looking a hell of a lot better!
Nearly got the rear axle back together - all painted up, new bits and pieces, just a couple of jobs left to do!






You'll notice I haven't painted the plate that the prop-shaft bolts to. That's because I have a new pinion seal to go in the nose of the diff, and it's easier to get that off with the diff in the axle. I couldn't stop the diff turning while it was sat on the garage floor! So that's one job still to do on this axle.



I've not yet adjusted the bearings as I find that easiest with a wheel installed. So that's the second job still "to do".



And that's where I'm up to. You might also notice there's a couple of wheel studs missing - these came out with the wheel nuts when I dismantled the vehicle. I ordered some new ones this week, but they've sent me the wrong ones!

The other job still to do on this axle is to make up the brake lines. Then I'll be starting on the front...
looks smart.
only cause for concern is the hub oil seals look to be pressed in below the lip,
may not get a seal on the seal collar. we keep them flush with the top.

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