
New Member
Hi everyone, silly question but it's driving me mad!

Tried wd40 (it says on the tin it stops squeaks) but it's made little difference

Any advice on what to use or try please?

3 weeks in, I love the defender, it's 100% practical for our needs, yes it does go offroad twice a week :) but it sure misses the comforts of a car or freelander... No jokes about it!
Firstly impressed you can hear it over all the other noises!

Try changing your shoes - one of my cars clutch makes a noise with walking shoes - the rubber pedal and the soles squeak:D
The brass bushes and pin are worn on the pedal, The bushes are about £5 each you need 2 and the pin is about the same. Not to hard to change apart from you have to remove the pedal box and master cylinder then you just knock out a pin and remove. I do find the bushes are hard to get in far enogh so you can reassemble the pedal in the box, If i was doing it again i would buy a new pedal with the bushes fitted for about £30

If its a 300TDi it can be fun getting the return spring back oninside the cab
Just grease the spring, mine used to drive me mad with the squeak but when I recently replaced the slave and master I took the opportunity to clean and grease the spring. It's silent now.
Thanks everyone! Will try Greecing up, don't fancy taking anything major apart, I'll end up with a bigger disaster if I try lol

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