
Well-Known Member
Anyone fitted spring isolators (ANR2938) to their 90 and noticed a difference in transmitted noise etc?

Soon to be building onto a new chassis and will probably fit them to the top of the springs but I was just wondering if anyone had any experience (either good / bad or indifferent).
I know some people fit them to increase the ride height (fit top & bottom for greater effect) but I am not interested in that, just whether they do anything positive.

I fitted them to the front of my 110 TD5, l can’t say l noticed any difference but everything helps and my 110 is definitely quieter than others l’ve driven.
I fitted them to the front of my 110 TD5, l can’t say l noticed any difference but everything helps and my 110 is definitely quieter than others l’ve driven.
Same experience here, fitted them to front of 300tdi 110 and would say there was a noticeable reduction in metallic harshness from suspension and reduced sounds. A smoother drive. Was fitted 5 years ago and noticed few cracks in rubber and would certainly replace with same again

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