Don't think you will need one. Axle stands under the chassis, Jack's under the axle, undo shocks, lower axle, swap springs. That is how I do it on the Defender, I presume D2 is similar.
Don't think you will need one. Axke stands under the chassis, Jack's under the axle, undo shocks, lower axle, swap springs. That is how I do it on the Defender, I presume D2 is similar.

Thanks, I have seen that method. But to be honest, for around £15 squid, I'd rather have a couple of compressors on hand. Having looked at them, the 'Heavy Duty' ones seem like they might do the job.
You could give them a little squeeze with something like the above if needed, you won't need to compress them much if at all.
You could give them a little squeeze with something like the above if needed, you won't need to compress them much if at all.

Yep, they're the ones!

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