
Hi all. I've decided it's time to add some roof lights to my 110csw. I know there are many many thousands of identical threads on here on how to wire them, relays spots wires etc. Don't worry it's not that I'm looking for. I'm looking for a sensible route as to how to get the feed cables from the in the out! I have all the wiring done and have fed the feed cables up the a pillar near side and sitting at the top corner. Is there a sensible place that I've missed to get the cables out or is it best to drill and grommet, if so where? I've found one thread on here so far that says to drill and plug the roof. It does seems the easiest way but it's a shame to have to drill into the roof if there's a better way.

Any thoughts? Sensible ones related to roof spotlights only please! Lol
Ps. If I've missed any more threads on this then my apologies. I did look first. But it was probably a mans look! Lol
One common solution is to run the wires up the side of a raised air intake. If you don't have one currently, it's a good excuse to fit one!
+1 for running the cables up the raised air intake. I ran mine up there together with the axle breathers.
Through the top corner of the door seal is common as well.

If you file a nick into the raised part the seal pushes onto you can run a piece of narrow flexible conduit through leaving the seal running over the top of it with a little fettling.
Thank you gents. All really good ideas. It seems a real shame to drill into the roof so if I can avoid it I will.
The previous owner of my fender drilled through the roof. Power goes out, water comes in :( . So avoid at all cost. Still wondering how to stop this without rerouting everything. I'd go for the raised air intake myself.

Oh, and he placed the rack right at the front of the roof. So if I turn the lights on I've got a brightly lit spare tire - and can't see very much beyond. You really don't want any light from the rack on the bonnet. :)
Thanks chaoticus. That's what I was afraid of. Can't think of anything worse or drastic than drilling a hole in the roof. They leak enough without my additional help lol.
I have found a route that seems possible although I haven't done anything with t yet. At the front of the windscreen where the sealant wraps around with the roof seems to be a route that then runs along behind the door sealer strip. It then looks possible to drill upwards believe it or not into the roof void. Seems to come out in the trough where the rear washer pipe runs. All the cables would fit behind the door sealer and it's virtually invisible. Like I say though I haven't actually done it yet. Did look at the air intake route but struggled to find a route through that didn't involve drilling into to casing of the intake etc

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