
Well-Known Member
just picked up me new lights , now , i know i need a relay to run em with my full beam but if i wanted to over ride full beam how do i do that?
do i run two lives to the relay? one from a switch and one from my full beam switch?
or what? how?
If you did that every time you used the override switch it would also bring on the main beam. you might have to use a separate relay for independent use.
If you take 2 wires to the relay +ve coil, one from the main beam and one from the switch (the switch to bring the spots on without main beam) then it follows that if you operate the switch then it will also energise the main beam circuit.
If you take 2 wires to the relay +ve coil, one from the main beam and one from the switch (the switch to bring the spots on without main beam) then it follows that if you operate the switch then it will also energise the main beam circuit.
ah noo that but you posted just as i was postin. ma comment was meant fer whatsisface
keep it simple nobber. just run em off a sep. switch. keeps it simple and dont interfere with your standard electrics.

just a thought
best way is to tap into the main beam cct and then go through a switch on yer dash and then on to the relay +ve then just take a +ve from the batt (through an inline fuse and the relay contacts) and then to the lamps. You can then choose main beam or main beam + spots.
best way is to tap into the main beam cct and then go through a switch on yer dash and then on to the relay +ve then just take a +ve from the batt (through an inline fuse and the relay contacts) and then to the lamps. You can then choose main beam or main beam + spots.

thats what im after.
cheersw boyo.
hmm, Mines run of a separate circut but the relay is powered by the sidelights feed, meaning you've got the option for spots on sidelights(dont know why), dipped and mainbeam. The dipped option is the best coz i've found that mainbeam leaves a dark patch right in front of the car which is crap for spotting things close to you.

dipped means that the area right in front of you is lit and the higher up and the spots do the rest.
hmm, Mines run of a separate circut but the relay is powered by the sidelights feed, meaning you've got the option for spots on sidelights(dont know why), dipped and mainbeam. The dipped option is the best coz i've found that mainbeam leaves a dark patch right in front of the car which is crap for spotting things close to you.

dipped means that the area right in front of you is lit and the higher up and the spots do the rest.

i have room for more.:D
to be fair though i think they look a tad **** to be honest.


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i have room for more.:D
to be fair though i think they look a tad **** to be honest.

ditch the covers ;) the smilie faces are a bit 80's :D spots always look **** with covers on them.. come to think of it mine's got the covers on them and they look **** too:D
Yeah, I'd gaurantee the covers'll get nicked before they stop a stone. I only carry my light bar covers in case the plod get tetchy about them. On road, lights on a roof mounted light bar should technically be covered!

Those lighting kits are only basically a 30amp relay, some wire & a few spade connecters as far as I can make out, not worth the money. Even Craplins'd work out cheaper.
I got a 30A relay to do mine, from maplins for less than a quid ... IIRC it was 96p and an inline fuse holder for a 20A fuse was about the same.

Get an ON-OFF-ON switch that stays put in any of the three positions.

You can easily connect up like this:

ON UP makes the foglights come on with the headlights

OFF in the middle means no foglights come on ever.

ON DOWN puts the foglights on whenever you want.

Easy wiring job. Might not be legal these days.

Get an ON-OFF-ON switch that stays put in any of the three positions.

You can easily connect up like this:

ON UP makes the foglights come on with the headlights

OFF in the middle means no foglights come on ever.

ON DOWN puts the foglights on whenever you want.

Easy wiring job. Might not be legal these days.


mmm , do i need two relays? or a diode?
ONE relay only and no diodes.

Connect the relay POWER cables as usual, IN from a fused power connection to +ve, and OUT to the lamps.

Connect the solenoid earth to deck firmly.

This leaves the one tag that if it goes live (+ve) switches the relay on, and your foglamps will light up.

Connect that tag to the CENTRE tag of your ON-OFF-ON switch.

Now then, take a cable from the top tag of the switch and scotch-lock it to the MAIN BEAM wire near a headlamp. Get the idea?

Now take a cable from any live source (that goes OFF when you turn off the IGN key) or even better scotchlock it from a SIDELIGHT wire and connect it to the lower tag of the switch.

I bet you can work it out now!

Anyway, driving along in the dark, switch in middle position, with the headlamps on main beam - switch UP, and mainbeam power trips the relay and foglights come on. DIP mainbeam, and headlights dip AND the foglights go out too.

Driving along in day or night sidelights at least on, switch DOWN, and the foglights come on and stay on till you turn them off.

Best of all, switch in middle position disables foglights.



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