
Hey all, any ideas on this...

1.8K series FL1 (Coil & cap engine).

When driving it seems to struggle, going up gears has to be done under 3000rpm otherwise it backs off, almost like fuel starvation.
Setting off can be jumpy/bouncy too.

Usual suspects attacked:
New plugs
Cap and rotor
Contacts on fuel cutout switch
Throttle body cleaned out
exhaust checked for blockages.
Cylinders checked for compression.

Any other suggestions?
The coil was fitted just under 12months ago so can't be that really (i dont think).

Hit me with ideas lol????

Air filter brand new, clear airways down to the throttle body.
(like your animated sig!!)

couldn't think of owt else you've been quite thorough.

is the timing set correctly, sometimes if it's not tensioned correctly it can be a tooth out.

and shes a sweetheart aint she ;)
Yea sorry forgot to mention the timings been triple checked, nothing to report there..
Its properly bugging me now lol!

Anything else you can think of?
Map sensor, rusty or steam cleaned plugs hgf - sniff test first

Short reply as holding baby
Wheres the MAP sensor on a model this early?
Been going over my steps again and found the new coil is faulty (i think), there is a small arc popping from the coil body to the earthbound steel ring with the bolts in it. it may be split or fractured but i cannot see anything, anyway thats being replaced on its warranty.

As far as hgf, it had the mls head gasket kit and timing belt done plus its been pressure tested at the plug ports which should give hgf away i would think?

Will have to wait for the new coil and see if thats the culprit lol!!
from memory pipe to mems ecu, I could be wrong as I have tried to blot k series out of my memory

Replaced coil, nothing... It apparently had a new exhaust system when i bought it BUT its got a split in the center box...WHICH only hisses noticably when the bloody spluttering starts (when its under load).
When its under load and behaving you dont hear this hissing..
Do i possibly have a blockage in the exhaust system that is only blocking when under load? i.e loose material?
Like i said we checked the exhaust before but only the old eyeball down the individual pieces..
Ok update on this, had a mobile testing guy out to it today and it would appear to be the MAP sensor, which unfortunately is built into the ecu, SO... im gonna have to get a second hand ecu and have it programmed as a free runner. Bout £100 all in ish so not as bad as i thought!
Anyone on here do free running programming?
Cheers! :)
Hey all...


The test guy said before i went down the ECU route to have the injectors tested properly.
So i thought i will just swap them out for another set as we had a K series inlet manifold with injectors kicking about at the back of the garage.

SOooo...... Took out the ones from the hippo.. removed the ones from the spare inlet manifiold.... then noticed something :confused:

The ones on the car were blue, the spare ones were a cream colour.

So a bit of searching and i found that blue injectors are supposed to be for the 1400 K series!
And the cream ones are for the 1800 K series.
Something to do with pressure differences?

Swip Swop and FIXED!
Cant believe it its like a new bloody car lol!!

Many thanks for all the suggestions and advice :)

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