Am running Spotlights, Winch, Fridge amps and subs and a number of chargers off my car on a standard mid range battery and am looking to give it a bit more umph! :rolleyes:

What is the best way to go about it, buying a 4x4 Optima type battery or putting a split system in and or seperating all the extras on their own battery....

What is the best way and how....

Many Thanks in advance :D

Depends, is your current battery in good shape? If it's getting tired, it will need replacing anyway - fitting a split charge system is a separate issue.

Unless you're going to be running all that lot at the same time, the alternator should be able to keep up with it whilst you're driving, assuming the battery is in good order. But if you're using any of those items regularly when parked up, then it may be time to consider a split charge system - specifically one with a method of isolating the 'leisure' battery from the starting battery. :)
Just noticed you mentioned a winch in there - in which case yes, a split charge system is always advisable.
you need something like the T-Max or X-Eng split charge system. Its basically a solenoid that allows the charge through to both batteries but only allows the battery you select to discharge. leaving you to start your engine without worries.

National luna also do one i think, but its a full on battery monitor and management system.

Im fitting a T-max tomorrow, not knowing a great deal about car electrics im going to give it a go. will post back with the results.

you need something like the T-Max or X-Eng split charge system. Its basically a solenoid that allows the charge through to both batteries but only allows the battery you select to discharge. leaving you to start your engine without worries.

National luna also do one i think, but its a full on battery monitor and management system.

Im fitting a T-max tomorrow, not knowing a great deal about car electrics im going to give it a go. will post back with the results.


Yes please m8 that would be great did you get it from Devon4x4??
Yes please m8 that would be great did you get it from Devon4x4??

Nope, i got mine from fleebay. there is a trader on there called…………..found it, There called Foundry4X4. arrived quickly as well.

T-Max Dual Battery System / Split Charge System | eBay UK

I know that MM-4x4 had them on special for a while.

I have a friend who used devon4x4 and had a bad experience so i dont use them. havent checked out there prices though.

Hope that helps


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