Really sorry mate - I'm at work just down the road, but got the train in today rather than bringing my truck in (I Live just outside Barrow). If it had been yesterday I could have helped. Hope you get something sorted.
ohhh thats actually quite clever!

alass I dont have a bicycle inner tube to hand hahaha :p
I need to pray on a passing small child passing on their bike....

no wait that doesnt read right!

Yu might get an inner tube easier than the proper thing from LR tho???
Really sorry mate - I'm at work just down the road, but got the train in today rather than bringing my truck in (I Live just outside Barrow). If it had been yesterday I could have helped. Hope you get something sorted.

aye the RAC are coming out later on.

Hey it saves on diesel if it goes back on a low loader ;)
Rac bodged it up with a coolant hose tape (alot of it!)

Got me home at least

Now watching the clangers with rooh :)

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