The Mad Hat Man

Well-Known Member
LZIR Despatch Agent

Spike Traps – Tilshead 6 (Salisbury Plain).

Wiltshire Council’s Rights of Way team have informed us that caltrops (spike traps) have been found on Tilshead 6, a byway open to all traffic that heads north from the village of Tilshead towards Westdown Artillery Range. The trap had been set in a puddle at the village end of the byway.

Please share this post with anyone who might use the rights of way around Tilshead as this kind of trap can cause terrible injury to pedestrians, horses and dogs. The intended damage to vehicle tyres is minor by comparison.

There are no legal restrictions regarding use of Tilshead 6 which – given its proximity to the village – is enjoyed by all user groups the whole year round.

The matter is being investigated by both Wiltshire Council and
Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO).
Not good ..

We came across a 10m long length of barbed wire the other day, right across a Byway. Now it could easily have been dragged there inadvertently somehow, but I doubted it. Quite happy to have seen it .. ;)

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