
Pensioner Pete
Full Member
Cant believe the price people ask for old land rovers, especially car sales outlets, is this a spike in prices or is the high cost of owning an old land rover here to stay ?

It seemed to me that prices went daft after they stopped making the Defender, are you noticing an extra spike right now? I monitored prices from Mid 2017 until now and they seemed to me to be consistently high.
You can still get a cheap Disco though the D1's are getting rarer and a good one is going up in value. Freelanders can still be bought cheaply. The days of hacking the body of a cheap old RRC to build a hybrid have long gone!
It seems people are asking high prices but are they selling ? been half heartedly trying to sell my defender but only had silly low offers so I presume that's what its worth.
Seen projects go for over two grand but maybe that's what people want, something to rebuild for themselves. Some blinged up motors for sale but rubbish under the glitter but they do sell
I hope it dunt make the series a viable theft option. There seems to have been a slump in the old ones being nicked.
When we bought our second hand Passat from the local car dealers, he asked about my 90, and I said I'm keeping it, he said every single Tim they get one in to part ex, they look at the book price and every single time its increasing, month in, month out! He said that was almost unheard of before now!
LR used stock was more eggspensive for a while so peeps upped their own prices. Doesn't mean it sold at that price.
I found that most LR models apart from freelanders are going up, even the Disco 1 and 2 while Disco 3's in auction go for under 3 grand... just silly if you ask me.
defenders etc arent going to get cheaper
They will drop in price. Also when the new one comes out. A lot of tratterers on ere have moved on to other manufacturers which is a good eggsample of whats happening int market. There's only so many peeps prepared to put the effort in to keep them running. Insurance companies will push the price of ownership up as theft is increasing.
They will drop in price. Also when the new one comes out. A lot of tratterers on ere have moved on to other manufacturers which is a good eggsample of whats happening int market. There's only so many peeps prepared to put the effort in to keep them running. Insurance companies will push the price of ownership up as theft is increasing.
series are now worth money but you couldnt give them away 10 years or so back,like tractors,ex army stuff etc landies will command a price
dieseldog69 is there as well........Just sayin' :D

I already have a Discovery, as much as I romanticise about having a series again I don't think my back would let me drive one regularly anymore :(

As for the motivation to steal one, nah, too much effort for so little reward, besides there is way too much good TV on NetFlix to get off the couch :p
Are they normally stripped for parts, small time scrotes just having a go or large eastern european based car crime ring, or what?
Do these crims ever get caught, I hear a lot of stuff on vehicles getting knicked, not so much about police successes shutting down these operations
...which in itself perpetuates the problem
Are they normally stripped for parts, small time scrotes just having a go or large eastern european based car crime ring, or what?
Do these crims ever get caught, I hear a lot of stuff on vehicles getting knicked, not so much about police successes shutting down these operations
...which in itself perpetuates the problem
Some strip for parts. Others for resale under different identity. Some do get caught but it's often only the bigger players where they have 10 vehicles in a lockup. They work quickly so they don't hang around for long. Police do try but often the only thing to go on is knowing it was stolen between certain hours. So little in the way of evidence to follow up. Thrives seem brazon. Attempt theft in one location and get disturbed so they find another a few miles away. Sometimes several dissapear in one area on the same day/night.

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