
New Member
First post and I'm asking for help! I've read with interst allthe posts on the 'spider' problem as I have same issue and if it was easy for me to but the plug from LR I would. Unfortunately I am in deepest darkest Africa and it would take a couple of weeks to get the part! I have a dead Discovery with a known fault but no way to repair it (the Spider is shot). I ask with all humility(!) for someone to tell me what pins on the multiplug I need to join together as I'm sure someone out there knows! My vehicle for info is a 300tdi manual and is a standard engine - non EDC.

I would really apreciate a heads up from one of the gurus fi yuo have a moment.

Cheers all and thanks for a great forum,


I did mate, thoroughly! I'm either being thick or the info I actually need is not shown - probably being thick!

I've checked out the photos but I cannot quite make out what pins are connected together on the bypass plug. If I can get my hands on that info then I will be a very happy man. I've seen the info shown elsewhere but it was for a V8 so I don't want to take a guess and screw it up completely.

Hopefully someone willcome to the rescue...

Cheers again,

You could try to decifer the pictures held here
Immobiliser 'Spider' Unit Bypass

Not particulary clear but it should either work or not rather than blow anything. Unfortunately, I'm not an expert in this and I'm only regurgitating what I've found on this and other sites. There are far more knowledgable people on this forum.

What exactly is the problem you're having?

My 300TDi wouldn't always turn over. You could always bump start but the starter motor wouldn't turn sometimes. Took the spider out, soldered it all up (it was very obvious which joints were gone) and it's been fine since.

Hope you get going again

..... I'm either being thick or the info I actually need is not shown - probably being thick! .........

My estimate of the probability: 99.99% :D

All righty then, since I'm not a native english speaker let me put it into english.

Stickybackbob gave you one of the best links on the net on this subject, click on it.
In the 1st post you can find out how to diagnose what's wrong, how the dismantle things to reach the spider unit and how to repair it (if it's a problem generated by bad solder joints).
In the 3rd post you find out how to internally bypass the spider. The only things you need from this post:
- "The addition of the two yellow wires is the important bit".
- The PICTURE attached to the post: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v120/sclfk/Spider/P4260098.jpg

And now I'll ask and answer some questions for you:

Q: What yellow wires?
A: The ones in the picture; check the picture, search the for some yellow wires. How many are they? Two. Ok. So we identified the yellow wires.

Q: Where do I solder these two yellow wires?
A: Check again the picture:
- the black connector has two rows of pins, each row having 5 pins
- the pins we need are located on the top row, so forget about the bottom row
- check the picture again; we will assign a number to each pin from the top row: to top right pin will be #1, the next one going left and little bit down is #2 and so on till the last one which will be #5.
- you need to solder first wire (let's name it wire W1) to pin #1 and to pin #3
- you need to solder second wire (let's name it W2) to pin #2 and to pin #4.

I hope I got it thin enough ... :D
Cipx2 and Stickybackbob,

After much chewing of nails, utterances evil and threats of bodily harm to my dashboard I finally figured it all out and hey presto! It works! Thanks to you both for the hints and tips and making it thin enough for me to understand! Off for a test drive around the local roads as I've just spent 2 months upgrading the suspension, diffs etc and fitting a roll cage (top tip - don't ever try fitting one of these bloody things on your own, they're a nightmare!). Ah, life is sweet...


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