Oily Fingers

New Member
Hello again, i have another problem now. The speedo. We fitted a new speedo cable a couple of years ago when we first got the landy. We took it out for a run round the block to see if will work but nothing happened. Today we drove it to the garage to get some MORE welding done:( and the tracking set on it. But the speedo is still not doin anything. The other day we tried tightening the speedocable tighter to the speedo to see if will work but as todays drive showed no. Any ideas why it is doin this? and also does this count on the MOT test?
most likely the cable has sheared where it enters the g/box..;take the cable out from behind the dash, leave the end in view and drive down the road a tad. you should see th eend of the cable turning.if not remove from g/box and check that end. on a 111 it should be square shaped and on a 11 it should be oval. if it do turn then yer speedo head is fooked.
We aint used it much as it aint got an mot for the past 3 years it proberly only done 10 miles with in the last 2 years. Would it have sheered off after this much use?
But we will drive it down the road abit. Will let ya know what the outcome is. It think it has an square shaped cable!!
**** boy !! you've been gone fer ages..i only meant a matter of a couple of yards. just enough to see if the cable turns
HAHAHAHA we got to try it tomorow as the old girl is at the bottom of the drive and the trailer and my moms car is in the way on the drive. let ya know wat happens. Is the speedo covered on the MOT test?
If it is you could always go to a bicycle store and buy one of them cheap digital bike speedos and install that to your Landy. Cheap and more accurate than the original. Then you have time to figure it out while still having a operating backup. ;)
if it is you could always go to a landy shop and buy one of them cheap manual landy speedos and install that to your landy. cheap and just as accurate as the original. Then you have time to figure out you now have a operating speedo.
Assuming it is the speedo thats broken. Well, there is not many parts involved so it should be quite easy to find whats wrong.
Because it sounded a bit difficult to him, I thought the bike speedo would be nice and easy solution. And if your speedo is anything like mine its not accurate at all even when it looks like its working. So IMO one accurate £5 speed indicator per car is not too much to ask. Well, I live in a country where speeding tickets often exeed Landy value so I might be a bit more sensitive to this ;-) When I lived in Uk in late 80's I cannot remember seeing one speed trap anywhere.

Slob, you don't take any modern mods to a Series Landy very well, do you ;) Hope you are not shocked to hear I also installed a electronic ignition to my SIIa! And I am also playing with the idea to convert the 2.25 to FI. :D
hang on while i pick me self back up orf the floor... you think putting a bike speedo into a motorised vehikeel is a good idea? and i don't know where you lived in the UK but i remember seeing speed traps there since the early 70's.
now as fer mod con's in a landy,, the best thing about series landies is that you can fix them with a hammer and a screwdriver, why bother ferking about with it? if you want all that electronic stuff that cost a fortune to fix then buy yerself a gaylander.
i don't mind improvments to me landy but i don't think electronics is an improvment , ah mean i'm actually putting a disco brakes on to me series.
as fer coverting a 2.25 lump to FI............. well good luck! lets us know how you get on
LOL! sorry for tipping you over ;)

Yes I am sure there has always been speed traps in UK but I just never saw one. Here in my country we have automatic traps distributed all over + the cops hiding in the bushes. Not nice at all.

The speedo is actually fine in a slow car like Landy and you can place it anywhere so its easily visible. They are usually black or grey plastic and sized like a box of matches so it doesn't stick to your eye (purist safe).

I do like the simplicity of Series Landys but I also like electronics and believe they can improve the car and even make life easier. Have replaced points with Ignitor kits in all my old cars over the years, works great (runs better) and never had any problems. If problems some day occur on route, it takes 4 minutes to put back the points so I get back home. I am familiar with FI tehcnology and diagnose and service my FI cars myself. Find it quite easy. So, planning this for landy too to get better mileage but not likely to do it in near future - have more pressing old fashion problems now ;)
the big problem with electronics is they like a dry well ventilated place that is free of vibrations. you put them in beside an engine the heat drys them out and the soldered joints fail, you stick them in to an orf roader and they get full of water, combine that with all the bumping and shaking that a car body goes through and you end up with the least electronic friendly place on earth.

most jaguar dashboards need to be resoldered at least once in there life time because they don't like vibrations.
True, if serious off roading is expected weatherpack -connectors are nice and placement, weather and vibration proofing of components must be considered carefully. Part of the hobby.

Eh...britcars are not exactly known for their good electronics or even basic electrics so for some reason I am not very supriced about the Jag thing. ;)

After my combined ignition/light switch melted I rewired the thing so that the lights are now behind a relay and the light switch is separate from ignition. Old style design stopped my journey and was replaced with a bit more modern thinking to prevent it happening again.
I did what you said slob. We drove it down the drive and the cable is working (it turns). so does this mean I need a new speedo?
I dont tink i will be putting an electronic speedo in the Landy. Just woundt seem right, plus my dad gets mad at electronics that go wrong.

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