Stuart Hicks

New Member
Hi guys. I recently bought a Freelander 2001. It only had 45,000 miles on the clock and was apparently only used when the owner was in England (which was a couple months a year) hence the low mileage.
After a few months i started to notice that the speedo and rev counter hands would just 'drop' while driving and three yellow lights would come on henceforth known as The Three Musketeers in our family.
The other day i was driving down the motorway doing about 70 and the speedo died, the musketeers showed up then the Down Hill Descent kicked in lurching us all instantly forward as the engine went crazy! I pulled onto the hard shoulder, turned the car off and on again and the DHD came off but the speedo didn't come back to life.
Any idea's whats going on? are these events connected or separate issues? I'm gonna go take the speedo out today and check the back for loose or damaged wires but other than that i have no idea about car mechanics?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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