Many thanks for the words of advice ;-) thinks a visit to my Land Rover mechanic is on the cards.
Even me daughters 90TD will keep at 65mph on the M6 going up Shap, You must have something amiss somewhere.
...i`d be lucky to get 50mph going up Shap
I thought 60/65 mph wasn`t that good & the way it slowed going up slight hills....but i thought it was just a typical Landy. Shows what i know, eh? lol! :0)
It does tend to be a bit smokey when putting my foot down.
What do you wanna go so fast for anyways?
...i know what you mean, but getting nailed by milkfloats isn`t fun.
lol! ;-)
I have 1 '96 P reg 300TDi with 102k on the clock. I have to say although I can get mine to 70/75 it prefers to sit at 60 or lower - just sounds less strained and more comfortable to drive at the lower speed. To be honest I never do more than about 50 most of the time - but then I don't use it to commute so appreciate that under these circumastances I would want it to go a bit quicker.

Out of ineterst has anyone fitted a Rev counter - what should one of these be pulling at say 30 50 60mph?? Any ideas?

My 90 2.5na will sit at 70 happy, and will pull up most hills in 5th, not dropping much below 65 unless its a big long hill but then its still 60 at least.

Air filter, fuel filter, proper air pressures etc... all benificial!

On the revs it should be about 1000revs for every 5mph in 1st, 1000rpm for every 10mph in second... so on and so forth.
My 96 300tdi (99,000 miles) will sit at 70-80 happily and does so often all the way to Wales and back.

It may be worth having a check up.
My 110 goes over Shap regularly at a steady 75 but then I've got one of them Jap engines !
But to really p*** you off I can also go over Shap at a steady 70 in my Series One ! It's an interesting experience as you pass people wearing ear defenders !!!
Just changed the transfer box on me daughters 90 to a Disco one and it now cruises along at 70-75 all day.
discomania, your lucky @70. my 2.5 sits around 55-60 and slows on the climbs. have to drop down to 4th and sometimes 3rd on those climbs down cornwall!

only smokes in 4th and 5th when im hammering along, i think ive got late fuel timing? might replace the lift pump and see. any thoughts?

Bit of an update on my querie....
I popped into a local Land Rover mechanic today & told him of my speed problem & that many of you guys on here have said there seems to 'be one', so he took it out for a bit of a spin & agreed it wasn`t pulling like it should. Infact his exact words were "It`s as flat as a witches t1t", he`s advised a good servicing & filters etc replaced, saying that might do the trick. Hopefully it will. I`m gonna book it in next week & i`ll report back my findings ;0)
I have took a few people out in my Defender 90 300 tdi 1994
who have never been near one before and they are very impressed
with the comfort and speed ... I think before they have been in one
they have made up there mind that its a bit of a farmers vehicle
and it sure got them thinking that maybe they should have one

Mine will do 70 to 80 on the motorway all day I have 235 85 r16 A/T
was going to check out my speed by satellite but sold my Tom-tom
when they where getting nicked all the time........... I think I might
be out a bit couple mph + or - I did see/feel a difference when I put
the new tyres on my old ones were the same tyres but badly worn

Think I'm a bit slower don't know if that makes sense but someone will
tell me............
all i know is that i get 80-85 comfortably(if a bit noisily) out of my '92 200tdi, and apparently the same from my old series 3, so i would say 65 tops means u have a slight problem (im afraid i have no mechanical knowledge to back that up)
all i know is that i get 80-85 comfortably(if a bit noisily) out of my '92 200tdi, and apparently the same from my old series 3, so i would say 65 tops means u have a slight problem (im afraid i have no mechanical knowledge to back that up)

You get 80-85 out of a series 3? Is that on the motorway or on top of the 8:15 Paddington to Taunton fast train?
Ha ha, well Milly is a bit special, she has overdrive powered by fairey. I wasn't aware I had been going that fast (the speedo said i was doing no more than 70) until a neighbour informed me they had been driving alongside me tooting their horn for about 10mins on the M5, needless to say at that speed in a series 3 you don't hear much of the outside world...
Nic n I managed 80 in an '88 2.5TD 90 on the M5 n left my followin father for dead in the little fiesta until we got to the hills ...60:rolleyes: a little off topic but hey ho...what can i expect from a 2.25 diesel s3 swb or is this exculsively the Series forum's territory cheers Jonathon:D

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