
Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

I think it would be a good idea to make a new section under the Land Rover Talk - Land Rover Zone section.

It would a good place to have all the builds like, Noisy's, Doc's, and mine... to name only a tiny amount which on here!

Rather than them just sitting in with all the general questions ect.

This has been vito'd a few times already.

Dead horse.
It went along the lines of there are already enough sections and sub sections, if you start adding more then people will lose threads etc.

And we never stay on track on LZ anyway, can you imagine what would happen if we had more sections!
Its only 1 more.. and it will be a brilliant one. Will be able too look at all members builds/projects, rather than shifting through 100s of.. what tyres and.. it wont start... to find these builds.
I've got to admit that on my other forum the build section is the most popular bit as it contains vast amounts of learning material.
I am currently in the middle of a custom/special build and i will be posting it around a few forums once complete or maybe before if i need inspiration, and i have to agree, having its own section would be far easier.
C'mon Ginge.. get the ball rolling! need to keep up with the times!

its not like i can do anything about it. :lol: Im just letting all yam know, this int the first time this idea has been shot down in flames :flame: :D

Although it'd be nice to have a FC section, a worshop section, oh and maybe a military section too:p:D

This was the other point as well. everyone will want a new section for everything else ::lol:

Good luck though chaps, i would read the section if there was one. :)
its not like i can do anything about it. :lol: Im just letting all yam know, this int the first time this idea has been shot down in flames :flame: :D

This was the other point as well. everyone will want a new section for everything else ::lol:

Good luck though chaps, i would read the section if there was one. :)

:scratching_chin: Maybe we need a poll of some sort! :D
personally i recon i should av me own "section" just for me own stupid ideas..then you's all could copy dem..like you do's anyway..this way you would be able to find dem easy...

so supercharging 4.6 at da moment..as well as rebuilding turbo 6.2..plus also adapting hp24eh to lt230 to work in classic and av sequential control (using bmw steptronic gearshift)..so..my section please..go on go on go on go on go go on go on go on go on as my lovely mary would say..

p.s turbo yamaha 1100 (its a bike)for sale..pm me,..tnx..
though seriously...doc eveil would just live there...that would drive me mad!
not in hp or torques you aint..!

and besides je and nene overland would just nick all our ideas!!
like they are now!

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