The problem with ICE systems is that there is little back pressure on the driver cones to stop cone travel over run. The drivers are obviously designed with that in mind but it does make the cone position steering more difficult. A mate of mine demonstrated that by fitting enclosed drivers (not ICE drivers and in an enclosure) into his car he could get a much better quality of sound and higher acoustic power levels. Trouble was he didn't have much boot space left.

DVs problem would seem to be the throttle happiness then. If the system is distorting then either the cones are mechanically distorting, or the voice coils are reaching the limit of their travel, or the voice coils are departing from the permenant magnetic field (they will get hot if this happens), or the power amp is hitting its power rails so that the peaks of the signal waveform is flattened (This is actually high frequency oscillation and can be demonstrated by fourier analysis that the flat is constructed by higher frequency sinisoidal waveforms that are multiples in frequncy of the original signal frequency, otherwise known as harmonics, hence the term harmonic distortion. As the harmonic component are always higher in frequency it is normally the tweeters that take the hammering rather than the low and mid drivers, hence the reason why the tweeters tend to blow first if the system is driven too hard).

Having said all that the solution is to super glue the volume control in a suitable position. Other than that its replace the damaged components. As for the choice of components I leave that to others to advise. Personally I have never bothered investing in high grade audio equipment for the car because I only ever listen to the radio in the car and also because a car isn't exactly acoustically sypathetic I don't believe it is worth it.
I'm wrong am I. Oh well, I shan't bother in future. For the record, I'm a qualified electronics systems engineer whose been building sounds systems, including power amps and speaker enclosures for years..... Perhaps you might like to explain Sean and state your qualifications while you're at it.

you might want to re read the thread pal, do that and then come back with the reason why your asking what qualifications i've got
Interesting reading of Blackjacks posts. These atomic sub drivers claim to be able to handle up to 28KW. To put that into some kind of understandable stats, to draw 28KW from the car battery would involve a current of over 2300 amps. In reality this current would be instantanioius and would be sourced from the amplifiers power filter capacitors, which in themselves would be substantual. I recall a small concert I went to where I knew one of the roadies. I learnt that the PA was just 8KW in comparison. It was ticking over and it was incredibly loud. This leads me to the question of WTF would you ever need a speaker that can run at 3KW all day in a car? You'd be turned to mush.
Interesting reading of Blackjacks posts. These atomic sub drivers claim to be able to handle up to 28KW. To put that into some kind of understandable stats, to draw 28KW from the car battery would involve a current of over 2300 amps. In reality this current would be instantanioius and would be sourced from the amplifiers power filter capacitors, which in themselves would be substantual. I recall a small concert I went to where I knew one of the roadies. I learnt that the PA was just 8KW in comparison. It was ticking over and it was incredibly loud. This leads me to the question of WTF would you ever need a speaker that can run at 3KW all day in a car? You'd be turned to mush.

feel free to respond to me comment in post 23
feel free to respond to me comment in post 23
Sorry but I'm confused here Sean, what's Darmain posted that's wrong? Surely it'd be better to explain it rather than say "it'd take ages lol" - that way if he is wrong he learns and we do too? In Post 13 you've asked for further explanation and appear to have got it from blackjack - only fair that you do the same??
Sorry but I'm confused here Sean, what's Darmain posted that's wrong? Surely it'd be better to explain it rather than say "it'd take ages lol" - that way if he is wrong he learns and we do too? In Post 13 you've asked for further explanation and appear to have got it from blackjack - only fair that you do the same??

come on mate keep up, if you'd have been awake you would have noticed that the text in italics in my post 13 was actually what blackjack said in his post 9 before he edited it

i'm not saying anyone is right or wrong, am just interested in peeps backing up what they were saying with a bit of knowledge
Oh I'm awake alright. So its a "lets rip it out of Darmain night" is it. Okay, lets look at the facts before us. I see that Blackjack posted post 9 at 09:01. What he said in that post has to be considered completely unknown to me because at 09:06 he edited it. For info I didn't visit this site until about 13:00 as I was at work, but have a look, that how it is. Now Sean posts at 10:44 with no edits. He states in a text colour that is near to the background colour " darmain your wrong..... very worng infact just about all of the facts in your post were wrong lol.. please dont ask me to explain it will take ages lol ". Now I grant that it is possible he loaded that page between 09:01 and 09:06 and then left it for an hour and three quarters before posting post 13 without refreshing the screen. But then I ask myself why has he changed the colour of the text. The answer is I don't know and I don't care. The information I gave in my original post is accurate to the best of my knowledge and experience. I can confidently state that there is little error in what I said and I still stand by it. I sense that Blackjack has experience in ICE and the equipment available. I do not have experience in ICE but do have experience in sound reproduction in general. The only thing thing I get from Sean is insults and mocking. Now before you start flaming me for that statement Sean, how else am I to enterprete these facts. I can't read what has been erased can I?

To be honest I don't care for this bickering. I came here to this forum to get help and I got good help and now I try my best to help others to the best of my ability. Sure I get things wrong like the rest of us. I don't proclaim to be perfect and I'm not. If I say something that is wrong then tell me, tell us all, we all learn then. Don't mess me about with what I can only describe as childish behaviour because I don't have time for it.

I hope that DV gets his wife's sound system sorted and some Brownie points for himself.
But then I ask myself why has he changed the colour of the text.

to illustrate what blackjack had said, and to ask him to provide an explanation for his comments - which he did

you took it as an opportunity to start getting yer handbag out and requesting evidence of how i was qualified to dare question what you had said - you might want to read this thread again when you are awake or when your less up your own arse, it might make sense to you then
to illustrate what blackjack had said, and to ask him to provide an explanation for his comments - which he did

Well, I'm very sorry Sean, but that is not how I read it.

you took it as an opportunity to start getting yer handbag out and requesting evidence of how i was qualified to dare question what you had said

As I said, question away by all means. However, your post 13 carried a direct attack on my post, without any evidence as to why it was wrong. As it is the only place in this thread that it exists then there is no other assumption to be made than you wrote it. Use quotes if you're reffering to some else, otherwise if the source is erased it looks like it came from you.

- you might want to read this thread again when you are awake or when your less up your own arse, it might make sense to you then

You wished evidence of insults.....
Darmain, let me explain using words that arent very long, if you read this slowly all will become clear

the text in italics that i included within my post 13 was actually orginally written by blackjack in his post 9 (it remained there untill he edited it)

i asked blackjack to explain his comments, which he kindly did within 14

you get yer handbag out at post 20 - and i've included it here in italics fer yer reference

I'm wrong am I. Oh well, I shan't bother in future. For the record, I'm a qualified electronics systems engineer whose been building sounds systems, including power amps and speaker enclosures for years..... Perhaps you might like to explain Sean and state your qualifications while you're at it.

in my post 23 i very politely ask why your asking for my qualifications

in post 28 you really do start trhowing yer toys outta the pram

....... all because you havent been able to understand the context of the various replies within this thread and because you appear to have got the right hump simply because someone was questioning the validity of what you had said
Oh dear, here we go again. I am sharper than you imagine I can assure you. Lets examine post 13, it is after all the cause of all this.

Your post 13 does indeed have a quote from Blackjack. What it says doesn't make much sense in that it suggests that sound quality is improved by overdriving the speaker. I suppose that depends on what music Blackjack prefers. This I have no arguement with. If it said something else and then was edited then how do we know by looking at post 12?

Right, now you follow it with

hang about you cant get away with comments like this without some sorta explanation - share the knowledge

darmain your wrong..... very worng infact just about all of the facts in your post were wrong lol..
please dont ask me to explain it will take ages lol

Now, please explain to me how, as dense as you seem to think I am, that I am to interprete these as anyones words other than your own?

Also your post is at 10:44 where as the edit occurred at 09:06. The evidence clearly does not stack up in favour of your arguement.

For you information I am getting quite bored of this now.
woooooo hooooooooooo there's gonna be a frownin competition between professor sean and professor darwin :pop2::pop2::pop2::pop2::pop2:
Now, please explain to me how, as dense as you seem to think I am, that I am to interprete these as anyones words other than your own?

blackjack managed to figure it out, and replied in the very next post after the comment that you clearly think was aimed at you

it wasnt - you missunderstood and got the hump

get over it Mr Touchy

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