
Well-Known Member
Has anyone got any pics of how they have mounted speakers in a truck cab? I'm it keen on putting mine in the dash and currently they're in an mdf shelf above my head but I wanna get rid of that
What's wrong with the standard position under the dash?

Certainly not the best acoustically but then it is a Land Rover...
Exactly that, plus I don't want to cut into the dash when there are other more suitable options. They're big speakers too and I'm thinking of mounting them in the roof behind the seats but I'm not sure how
How much space do you have between the rear bulkhead and the back of the seats? If there's room you could square that section off and fit speakers behind the seats. The unused space could be used for storage of odds and ends. Failing that the door cards are an option, though you'll probably need spacer rings or very shallow speakers to make that work.
My speakers are quite large so door cards ain't an option. I store a lot of spares and whatnot behind the seats so thats out of the window
Ah. I dont have a headlining in mine and probably won't fit one but I would like to mount them in the roof corners somehow
Micro speakers? I was wanting to keep mine as theyre bloody good speakers, no problems with hearing the radio over the road noise with them
lads, at the risk of being called a spammer, im just wondering what ye think of this idea:

Im currently designing a roof console for a any hardtop defender, it started out as me just wanting to make one for my own vehicle, but ive put a decent amount of work into the design so thinking of making a few and selling them on.
But on the subject of speaker location, i was thinking of incorporating cut-outs for speakers in place of the storage area in the roof console.

Any thoughts on this as a solution? sorry i havent got pictures to show what i mean, but can upload a few later :)
I placed the speakers behind the seats. Once balanced up and volume set cannot fault the set up even though it's temporary just now.


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I used to store mine behind there but I keep a few spares and oils and whatnot now so don't have space for them. I'm thinking of making up some kind of mount for them to sit in the roof corners above each seat, can't think of much else
Just now I've not got a lot stored there and I did think about the speakers on the roof but I had visions of an accident I attended and it involved an unprotected bolt coming through the roof.
So please make sure there are no sharp edges.
I was also thinking of making a centre console on the roof for a radio with the speakers inserted into the front corners (or in each corner) in their own little boxes then covering it all with something, but that's a future project. Other more important things to do at the moment.
My speakers aren't small so I don't think a centre roof console would work. I'm thinking of mounting them into sheets of ply or mdf and fixing these up into the corners using angle iron and the existing roof bolts
My speakers aren't small so I don't think a centre roof console would work. I'm thinking of mounting them into sheets of ply or mdf and fixing these up into the corners using angle iron and the existing roof bolts

think you should forget the speaker idea and spend time on getting your shed working properly :D :p

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