yer bastid, yer promised me that fookin bumper ages ago

FFS yer never said yer still wanted it. Grunt wanted the door handles as well but he int been round fer em or said he still wants em, either so they is going anorl.
i'd have the wheel carrier off red (if its free) but cant get to hull, used my fuel up getting wheel off yella :D

It's free but it'd cost more in fuel to collect it then it would to buy a new one. If your not in a rush for it I can Bring it up next time I'm in Wales.
he tried ter offer me a fiver but i declined, i reckon hes got a stash of snyde fookers the way he's offerin em around. ;)
ere metallicachick didn't realise that was you at yella's this mornin. We're off to see the mighty 'tallica in Dublin in august are you managin to get to any of their gigs this time round?
yella - that'd be my fella tom, some ppl might have cross gender usernames but not us mate :D, and its called offering someone a drink without takin em pub :D dont like takin things for free without offerin a little And some ppl are snyde ****ers where we are!

and yeh that were us. Needed the wheel for our 109 cos ours was diddy. cudnt turn it unless it was going 20 mph

hugh - cant make it this time, festivals suck and i'm pregnant anyway and sufferring cos of it. Seen em a couple of times before, plenty of chances in future. There due a proper UK tour in next 16 years!!!!!
no worries mettallica, it were good to see you both, if you hadn't been "with child" we would have got you to help hughesy and his biatch to carry those fookin axles, they looked mighty heavy. hope the wheel is ok, and i hope yer had a good day in llandudno. oh and good look with the pregnancy ;)
well tom coulda but i wunt be any help anyway apart from holding things in place or door open etc lol shoulda asked we wudnt a minded

Decided to go rhyl instead, had good chips and curry then went home, been crashed out ever since

wheels great, the one we had on it was about 13" across coudnt move the wheels and there big chunky buggers too.
When is it due Mettallica? nicki - my other half is due AGAIN in sept :D (baby is only 10months old)

xmas fecking day. tom's well annoyed cos we spent all this time etc etc getting two landys ready for going afield, now i cant drive em anywhere like that. but we're happy, and as soon as its born its comin with us!
xmas fecking day. tom's well annoyed cos we spent all this time etc etc getting two landys ready for going afield, now i cant drive em anywhere like that. but we're happy, and as soon as its born its comin with us!

Jesus Christ???? Fooking ell we're gonna have our own LZ Messiah. :D

Gonna be fooked trying ter find 3 wise men on ere though :p & there wint be no Gold, Frankincense & Myrrh, will more likely to be EP90, Redex, & Radweld. :D
Jesus Christ???? Fooking ell we're gonna have our own LZ Messiah. :D
Gonna be fooked trying ter find 3 wise men on ere though :p & there wint be no Gold, Frankincense & Myrrh, will more likely to be EP90, Redex, & Radweld. :D

Well it will be brought up proper, rock/metal music and ace cars.
well them 3 would be better. As we all know, joseph stole the gold, sheep ate the franckinscene and mary pawned off the myrrh, atleast we can use the EP90, redex and radweld! :D

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