Lynn jones

New Member
Hi, can’t seem to get the spare wheel off the tailgate of my 1998 Landrover freelancer, I’ve loosened the nuts but the wheel won’t budge, I’ve been spraying WD40 on it but still not moving, not sure how long it’s been on, Any ideas !!! Thanks Lynn
Spraying WD40 can only help, but a spray from Faberge will help more, a splash of Brut force is probably what's needed.

I don't think I've had a problem with the spare, but I know the back wheels on my '99 Freelander 'weld' themselves to the brake drums and are a right sod to get off.
There is no centre ring on the tailgate so can't think of anything holding it with the three nuts off. Worth removing the nuts completely and checking there is no additional nuts or lock nuts fitted.
If all nuts off perhaps whack it with a hammer to crack any seal. Make sure no other fixings attached first though.
Sometimes the wheel can corrode to the carrier, as both are made of alloy.

There's nothing more than a bit of surface stickage of the metal, as there's no spigot for the wheel to locate tightly to.
On all my road wheels and spare carrier I made gaskets out of very thin gasket paper. The wheels just fall off when loosened. Road wheels are torqued to 85lbs. You have steel hubs, alloy wheels and if you try copper grease that’s just adding more to the dissimilar metal corrosion. Never had any problems with the wheels.
Hi everybody

I didn t want to open a new thread as my question is about spare wheel also. I hope Lynn found a solution
I just saw that the spare wheel of my freelander is not the same height than the 4 others. 195 / 80 r15 for the spare wheel and 215 75 R15 for the 4 others.
I case on wheel broke, i know it s not good to drive with a different wheel for the IRD and transmission but how much it import? Can you drive 10km... or 100 or better not drive at all? going easy help i imagine?
I can add also that we use it only in off road, trying to go easy easy...
Thank you
have a nice day
Hi everybody

I didn t want to open a new thread as my question is about spare wheel also. I hope Lynn found a solution
I just saw that the spare wheel of my freelander is not the same height than the 4 others. 195 / 80 r15 for the spare wheel and 215 75 R15 for the 4 others.
I case on wheel broke, i know it s not good to drive with a different wheel for the IRD and transmission but how much it import? Can you drive 10km... or 100 or better not drive at all? going easy help i imagine?
I can add also that we use it only in off road, trying to go easy easy...
Thank you
have a nice day
It would be safe to drive it onto a low-loader recovery truck.

Any more and you take your own risks :)

So I'd say find another matching tyre, even if it is a part worn cheapo.
Any more and you take your own risks :)

Hi Grumpygel

So better to find another spare wheel with the same dimention of the others tires right? Sorry for asking again, my english is not so good.

Also... Is it okay to drive with 215/75r15? or better to change for others tires??

I read about pression to put 2.1 bar in each tire or 1.8(when a lot of people in the car...) what s better for off road driving with a lot of things (6-7peoples) inside the freelander? i know it s only 5 people, but it s only for off road on private propriety.. and sometimes we are more than 5... better 1.8 or 2.1? knowing that the tires are 215/75r15?

Thank you very much
See you
Hi Grumpygel

So better to find another spare wheel with the same dimention of the others tires right? Sorry for asking again, my english is not so good.

Also... Is it okay to drive with 215/75r15? or better to change for others tires??

I read about pression to put 2.1 bar in each tire or 1.8(when a lot of people in the car...) what s better for off road driving with a lot of things (6-7peoples) inside the freelander? i know it s only 5 people, but it s only for off road on private propriety.. and sometimes we are more than 5... better 1.8 or 2.1? knowing that the tires are 215/75r15?

Thank you very much
See you
I don't know how much difference a different style of wheel will make - but to be safe,I'd have the same on the spare.

195/80/R15 is the standard tyre size on 1998 cars I believe. However 215/70R15 are only 1.5% smaller so not a huge difference and OK. The speedo, which already shows over on standard tyres, will show a bit more over on smaller tyres.

I would have thought the tyre pressure would depend on what type of off road driving you do.
ok thank you guys!!
I ll look for a new spare wheel so.
2.1 okay, i confirmed!
Have anice day, here is winter sunny day!

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