
Hi, does anyone know how much it would cost to get a spare key for my 2001 p38 4.0? it came with one ropey looking key, it is key 2. also if i get a repair kit to replace the buttons on the key can i fix it myself or will it need to be reprogrammed after i remove batteries? thanks.
Keys have to be got from the main Stealer. Cost should be approx £180 but some take the p!ss so get a few quotes first.

You can buy the bit that covers the buttons off a well known auction site. If you want your key refurbed professionally (and he can do wonders, not just for the button covers) then look on here for a guy called MrSporty.
Oh, and welcome to the forum. Brace yourself as it can get a bit blunt and there is a certain amount of taking the ****. If you like playing with dolls you might want to look somewhere else for advice. There are some knowledgeable chaps on here though ... somewhere. One of them will turn up sooner or later.
Key pads can be done without the need to remove batteries as they fit in from the top.

If you do remove batteries, replace within 1 minute and all is well, else you will have to resync if it is a pre 99 model.
Def recommend Mr Sporty to fix keys
only got the one key so cant really send it off! ive ordered new buttons as that is all that is really wrong with it and then ill have to bite the bullet and order another key from dealer!!!!!
'Keys in the ' do keys using a photograph of the original supplied by yourself. They are very fast and efficient.

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