
Active Member
Has anybody dealt with SP-4x4? Any reviews?

Trying to get in touch with questions about their door skins, but their phone number isn’t well displayed on their website (never a good sign I find). I found the number, but cant get through to them. I also see a note about adding 10% to sales totals for orders placed over the phone which is pretty unusual!

But maybe you guys can help – does anybody know if replacement door skins will have crimp lines or scores for where to bend over the lip onto the frame? If not, I guess it could be a bit fiddly trying to align and bend the skins over the doors?

Looking at the galvy option – anybody found any issues with the galvy coating when bending the skin into place?

Not dealt with SP but I think they also trade on ebay so may be worth a look. If you are talking about aluminium door skins then there is no reason to galv them (not even sure if you can), galv is designed to protects steel from corrosion.
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I've dealt with them and they were fine. Do they have any reviews on Google or anywhere?
Not too bad on eBay - 99.9%
Nowhere else seems to do door skins at a decent price and offers galvanised option....

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