finished packing ours, just got to throw the coolbox and food box and the bag with or clothes/toiletries in and where good to go, dropping the cat off at 730 so all being well we should catch you lot up, keep an ear open for us on ch10 ;)
Because she doesn't know how fat she'll feel in the morning!

And she's only got 7 days to work before she retires and SPENDS EVERYDAY WITH ME.
Because she doesn't know how fat she'll feel in the morning!

And she's only got 7 days to work before she retires and SPENDS EVERYDAY WITH ME.

Heheheheh ...

hahahah ....... heheheheh

sorry mate ..... :hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi
Sat in rangie having cup of tea it's raining of course !! Overrated this tent lark !! Would still be sock in in mi campa n it be dark lol might have to start whistling like a kettle !!!!
What a top weekend some top draw lanes some of them a right surprise !! Thanks to PAUL D for all his time organising & making it all happen cheers Paul we owe you a weekend with your feet up cheers mate !!!
Yep great weekend, absolutely shattered now mind but well worth it, getting some pics up in a mo, i want to see pics/vids of the last lane! ;)