Hello Stacey, cant be bothered to look in the into :D:D

And was there cake, and if so, why wasn't I invited
For me was nice to see do many classic rangies ! Although they obviously got plenty more dosh than me ( not that hard ) both running v8s. ! Very nice
9 altogether including myself ! happy with that for our first night ! Even caused a stir with local authorities ! Had mobile CCTV van drive round a few times ! Bet had I been burgled they would have seen nowt ! Lol
Great nite at the first meet.
Thanks to Mark for the unit and tools, also Stacy for the brew.
Good to see some new peeps and classic RR.
Thanks to Tim for doing my light bar.
Roll on next th meet.:)
it was a very good night was to meet all that was there thanks to mark for the advice on my classic and to Stacey for the drinks and to marks comment ha ha I wish I had plenty of money lol the reason im on gas cause I cant afford petrol lol
Can we not make the meet on the 1st Monday of the month, please? This clashes with another Landy meeting. As does the 2nd Wednesday of the month. I'm being a pain yet again lol.
Any day or time's fine by me, unless it clashes at the time!! What I mean is I don't care when it is, and I'll try to make time for it .. Actually Tuesdays are out for me 'cos I have to lock school up after a Fat Club (slimming world) session till 8.30 .. :)

I nominate the first Thursday of the month ..
Can we not make the meet on the 1st Monday of the month, please? This clashes with another Landy meeting. As does the 2nd Wednesday of the month. I'm being a pain yet again lol.

Any day or time's fine by me, unless it clashes at the time!! What I mean is I don't care when it is, and I'll try to make time for it .. Actually Tuesdays are out for me 'cos I have to lock school up after a Fat Club (slimming world) session till 8.30 .. :)

I nominate the first Thursday of the month ..

Pfft!!! No pleasing some hahaha!! Im easy any day for me, just enjoy the banter more than anything! :)
Paul's suggestion fits in with me. I suppose we should give the final decision to the garage owner though....old what's his name lol
You young sprogs are so sensitive to comments lol. I've emailed the Peaks with regards to the opening of RC next week (the lane Pete doesn't drive uphill), to ascertain if it's happening. If it is, a trip out may be in order next Weds/Thurs.