Just seen west yorks going to do coast to Coast at Easter !! East to west ! Had it in my head for us to do west to east ! Thoughts on that Paul ?

Dunno about Easter, I might be working though I'll have to check, but I'm happy to do it either way .. ;)

The route I have is 180 miles, ish, with start/end points at Robin Hoods Bay and Seascale, both of which are about 200 miles from Doncaster, so whichever start point we use, I'd like to do it with Friday evening camp, set off Sat morning and do maybe 100 miles and then wild camp, or find a regular campsite, for Saturday night, leaving only 80 miles Sunday, when we could camp again and drive back on the Monday, or not bother camping and come home Sunday night.

Other thought is to do it over a longer time, follow the route, but instead of sticking to it religiously and just making time, we could meander off to do any other lanes we might find, or visit landmarks, stop frequently for breakfast, elevenses, lunch, brunch, dinner, supper and drinkie poos whenever and basically take a few days over it staying in campsites with showers at least ... ;)

I'm happy to do anything really, and can arrange it to suit what the majority want .. even start points can change, specific lanes could be added, or removed, whatever .. nothing's set in stone .. :)
Just caught up with the thread. Sound idea. Good for the 17th. Away in t'other motor end July/1st 2 weeks August though.
Want to make it first Monday of every month ! However shall we all look and see if we can't do the first one Monday 17th at 5.00pm onwards weather permitting I put barbie on !

Looking forward to it already!! Ill have to finish work an hour early to miss the rush hour
Just seen west yorks going to do coast to Coast at Easter !! East to west ! Had it in my head for us to do west to east ! Thoughts on that Paul ?

Id love to do the coast-coast run and a bit of wild camping but cant do the easter wkend :( in skegvegas that wkend for ellies birthday...........why was my child born on the wrong day!!!! :D
But Easter is the best time :D:D

2 Bank Holidays so 4 days laning and no need for a mad dash across the country, gives us time to look around places a bit
Can remember a few recent Easters with snow ! Not for me under canvas ! Bit of a wimp now days ! Warm summer sun sat in camp few tins barbie !! Bring it on
I'm likely working Easter so might only get a couple of days free .. and i agree with Mark, I'd much prefer to do it in summertime .. lazy evenings getting ****ed with mates round a camp fire .. :)
Can remember a few recent Easters with snow ! Not for me under canvas ! Bit of a wimp now days ! Warm summer sun sat in camp few tins barbie !! Bring it on

Well we will be OK, booked B&B in pubs every night :D:D

Only need to crawl up the stairs after lots to drink in front of a nice warm fire :D:D