Well-Known Member
Having spent a hectic morning inflating helium balloons and ending up inhaling more helium than went in the balloons, my gaffer asked if Landrovers were soups what soup would they be.

Does this require a poll.

Yes my gaffer is puddleder than me.

Yes I do get paid for inflating balloons and laughing a lot.

He thinks Minestrone, I reckon thats more Freelander. Leek and potato is more defenderish
a rr would be baxters game soup. top class.
a disco would be vegatable soup. suitable for all occasions.
a series would be potato hash. enough said.
and a gaylander would be coriander and cress. real men dont eat it.
I thought a rangie would be muligatawny

I'll go with you on the rest. Your obviousley a soup man.
couldnt spell it. so put it down as game.
but youre right of course. top class soup that.

aye i love my soup.

what about pies then?
a gaylander is obviously a quiche.
Ah pies. Not so easy.

Rangie, probably game pie but if they've Muligatawny for starters it'll be Garry Rohdes or someone simmilar, Mutton pie.

The difficult bit is between Disco, Defender and Series. It has to be beef cobbler, shepherds pie and steak and ale pie but I can't decide which way round. The deciding factor could be what vegetables go with the pies.

After giving it a bit of thought I reckon:-

Disco - Beef Cobbler
Defender - Steak and Ale pie
Series - Shepherds pie
might i suggest for Freelander owners a Heinz Minestrone (kinda tasteless) or Cheese and Onion pastie (kinda girlie ie. no meat)

For Defender owners: a Broccoli and Stilton (strong and tangy) or a Steak and kidney pie (Meat and guts)

Discovery i think would be Leek and potatoe (neither here nor there) or a Cornish pastie (there's meat in there somewhere if i could only find it!)

Series: well, how about Tomatoe Soup (tasty and timeless) and a Sausage Roll (a bit flaky, but still pretty good)

Range Rover should be Mushroom (likes a bit of dirt under it, but go steady) and the pie would be Game (might not be the best, but meaty and worth a try) ;)
like em all except the disco one.
how about a cornish pasty, cause everybody likes em and can always be relied on in an emergency?
Now now now, the subject of soup and pies is far to serious to have any silly inuendos. Please treat this thread with the respect that it deserves.
i just got back in from actually doing a bit more work to me landy and it came to me in a burst of constipation...mines is defo an assortment from heinz's 57 varieties.. it's got bits from ever landy ever made . except the gaylander;;;;;; for those of you that think the gaylander is the real thing.
freelander- deffo minestrone( puny **** served art weddings)
series- oxtail(timeless old faithful)
defender-big soup(proper tough one)
disco- chicken(liked by everyone)
rangie-mulligatawny(an aquired taste)

just thought i might as well add my two penneth ;)

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