
New Member
Dont know if anyone out there has had this problem or can give me some advice. After starting, theres a sound of water running/gurgling somewhere up behind the dashboard on my 1998 V8i. It seems to stop once the motors warmed up. Any clues?
Would there be any thing else to look for if its the heater matrix, I must admit thats the only thing I can think it might be?
Thanks. Passenger side carpet a bit damp but all around the tunnel is dry, the carpet's wet towards the door and wing.
Check for coolant loss. If you're topping up a lot, you've prob got a leak, hence the gurgling as air makes its way round the heater matrix.
Hmmmm just one of the many leaks, I should get a discount on Tiger Seal the amount Ive got on my sunroofs, alpine lights, etc etc!! Thanks for your help, I'll just keep an eye open and see if anything develops with the water noise behind the dash.
Air in the cooling system traveling up to the highest point, the heater matrix, maybe.
Have you done any work on the cooling system lately?

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