
Well-Known Member
Ah ha you might say

Been visited by the 3 amigos on and off for months now but I have been keeping a log and I know what it is. I have a few routes to/from work and the only times they come on is on one road when I am going past a building with lots of antennae set back in the trees. There are never any cars or lights on so it is clearly a secret Government research building working on cyberwarfare techniques and my Discovery is sensitive enough to be affected.

I'm going to call the media to alert them about
These things can affect people, too. It’s easy to test whether you’re one of the sensitives. You need to be in a Faraday cage to screen out other factors. A Disco (even one that’s mostly rust) works fine.

Drive past the installation very slowly (might be safer to do this as a passenger, now I come to think about it). About walking pace is OK, because the fields are optimised for people and their normal range of movements.

Now, move your hand palm-first, fingers spread as wide as possible, towards the window nearest the installation. Feel anything yet? Pay particular attention as your hand approaches the window, the last few mm.

Make gentle contact with the glass and then press firmly. Can you feel the pain? If not, it probably means your window has dropped into the door overnight.


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