Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!


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just after some feedback on this really
im 22 with 4yrs ncb, no claims/convictions or points
full licence since june 2006
currently paying £65/mnth bout £750/yr on a 1993 disco 200tdi, 4k limited mileage, with NIG through adrian flux. no mods declared but greenlaning & offroad covered.
just wondered if anyone was in similar circumstances, n got any feedback for a better deal/insurer (if possible)
cheers guys
Just keep shopping around, I'm currently with Swiftcover for both my 300tdi and my new 3.9V8i. Do all the comparison sites. I have never found any of the specialists to be cheaper than main stream insurance companies, I've tried them all over the years and have found most to be a waste of space. I'm talking quotes such as £300 with mainstream companies compared to almost £1000.00 with specialists with low mileage and all the other crap they claim to give you. I recently asked frank Pickles for a quote and was told £1600.00 for a 300tdi. I'm 42 have 9 years protected no claims and a clean license. Oh and they wanted to limit my mileage to 3000 a year. Total joke I pay Swift £296.00 fully comp with no limitations and No Claims protection.
A couple of mates of mine use Frank pickles, one is 27 and the other is 31 and they both heavily modify there landys but pay around £100 a year. I asked for a quote as a 41 year old with a lightly modded landy and was quoted £300.

The only difference I could work out was they live in small villages and I live in a town.

I use Adrian flux and pay £280 a year.
just after some feedback on this really
im 22 with 4yrs ncb, no claims/convictions or points
full licence since june 2006
currently paying £65/mnth bout £750/yr on a 1993 disco 200tdi, 4k limited mileage, with NIG through adrian flux. no mods declared but greenlaning & offroad covered.
just wondered if anyone was in similar circumstances, n got any feedback for a better deal/insurer (if possible)
cheers guys
i hope thats for TPFT cos i'm paying nearly £900 a year TPFT on my 96 300tdi (wudda been 780 only for me wanted to protect my NCB), greenlaning included.... thru flux too, but via highway not NIG

23 4 yrs NCB no points no convictions, driving since jan 05, no mods declared either
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Just been quoted £380 by Adrian Flux & £231 with Frank Pickles.
Only trouble is Frank Pickles wants to limit me to 5000 miles per year, which is border line for me.
This is with modifications declared (EGR, Bumper trim, Snorkel, Rock sliders, Diff and steering guards) & 3 points declared.
I'll be cancelling my insurance tomorrow and moving over the Frank Pickles.
get some points and a coupla write offs on your file and then start worrying mate!750 at your age is cushty....I was paying that in 1986!with a clean license!
Freelander TD4 Wife and I driving 3 points each and a no fault claim -,£231 - Swift Ins fully comp protected NC and business use

We are both wrinklies though I am 55 wife 53 going on 30! Don't know how she does it!

Got it from Go Compare!
sureterm seem to be cheap for me!, after going on a comparison site they ranged from £215 (sureterm) to £18,700 !!!! for a 94 200tdi , im 34 with full no claims tho living out in the back of beyond!
cheers guys, i get the feeling its gona be around £700 till i hit 25. everything these days seems to make you want to be older, but when you get there you want to be younger again. we should be more like america on this, where i believe, they insure the driver not the car?
I am 43 10 years ncb and my insurance was £530 last year wuth Adrian flux, full comp with protected no claims and break down cover. That was the cheapest, all the compare sites started at £900 and went up. Frank pickles wouldnt insure me just refered me back to Adrian flux.
My dad is 73, 30 years ncb and his 02 p38 diesel has just cost £583 full comp protected ncb.
Why are some of you older blokes like me paying so much? I'm 46 and I haven't paid over 100 quid fully comp for several years now. Swiftcover, sureterm etc always seem to be the cheapest, for standard landies anyway.
I tried every where and Adrian flux was the cheapest, swintons came in at £1200.
Probably the area we live in, god knows what it will be this year its up in June.
My other half sorted out our car insurance and after spending a sunday afternoon trawling through comparison sites she found Admiral multicar insurance was the cheapest, you pay for all the cars as one monthly payment BUT all the cars are insured individually, i.e if my wife has a claim it does not affect my details or no claims, my 300 tdi my wifes new golf, and my 19 year old has 2 cars insured for him to drive one on his own name and one on my name with him as a named driver, the more cars you have it seems the cheaper it is,
flux give a discouint for being on here. But insurance premiums are generated using black magic, no rhyme or reason to it.
just got my renewal price from e-van for my transit and the disco, £360 fully comp for the pair. I don't think thats too bad.
Ok just had a look at a renew one company gave a quote of £18,000 for third fire and theft but for fully comp the same company wanted only £567.23p what the fook is going on there??????? :wtf: :crazy: