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I noticed a loud consecutive noise like a machine gun or drumfire under the floor about where the Viscous Coupling is.
Checked ird & vc and both seems fine.
Problem is intermittent and happens only on sharp fast turns.
Any thoughts?
I noticed a loud consecutive noise like a machine gun or drumfire under the floor about where the Viscous Coupling is.
Checked ird & vc and both seems fine.
Problem is intermittent and happens only on sharp fast turns.
Any thoughts?

Do a search on here but You aint gonna like what you find..:(
I know about these threads. Doesnt sound like a knocking or banging noise from front, back, under bonnet or somewhere else.
VC & ird are brand new; maybe its something foxy.
chassis related or something like that ?
I noticed a loud consecutive noise like a machine gun or drumfire under the floor about where the Viscous Coupling is.
Checked ird & vc and both seems fine.
Problem is intermittent and happens only on sharp fast turns.
Any thoughts?
Silly one, it's not yewr TC cuttin in is it? failin that, try stamping down on't clutch when it does it again, see if yer can isolate it to drivetrain. Its not occurring on say right turns rather than left is it? Also how excessive is the body roll? Also, by checked ird & vc, how exactly?

Loadsa q's, but may help ya narrow it down a bit....:confused:

**EDIT** Also, did they change/check bushes 'n mounts when ya got vc an ird replaced?
Had the same problem last month with a 98 20d freelander fist fitted a new prop then ended up fitting a re-con ird the car is know fine No drag on full lock at all
Had the same problem last month with a 98 20d freelander 88.000 miles first of all fitted a new prop then ended up fitting a re-con ird the car is know fine No drag on full lock at all the guy who re-con the ird said he would not sell the unit untill we changed the viscous coupling as this causes the problem
Well as i told above im on my second VC and IRD. Swapped both on last year. Checked the vc with the classic ashcroft way: rear wheel up, choked the front ones, handbrake off and the rear wheel moving slowly as it should. I also replaced the vc bearings and of course 2 or 3 times the front rear diff mounting.. See i know how the thing works but i still cant explain the drumfire noise in the vc area.
cashybai, its not the tc cutting and i think it does happen at both right & left turns; maybe it does it prevailing when its hot after some hour on the highway. As for the body roll.. sure! i can tell its really excessive maybe due to worn suspension springs. Do you believe its relative?
My rear diff mounts were worn enough that the rear popshaft was beginning to drind into the fuel tank - all hidden behind the Camel's underbody protection.

This wasn't really like the sound described in the original post. More of an occasional irregular metallitc clank.

You sure this isn't the clicking noise of a CV joint, perhaps the rear n/s so you think it is coming from the middle of the car?


My sense is the noise coming from the middle of the floor but I will try to reproduce it to be sure.
It doesnt sound like a cv joint clicks; its really louder like a machine gun and its intermittent.
Does anyone know what is the correct distance between the top side (rubber) of the rear diff mountings and the floor?
I thought the rubber side of the 2 rear ones should contact the floor but i noticed that they've about an inch empty space. Is this normal?
i always look for the simpler things 1st
i had similar noise but was happening more when the i changed gear late and the car shuddered, turned out to the mounting bracket for the exhaust fwd of the cat, the weld had snapped, simple quick weld, noise gone.:)

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