Actually you inject hho in the air stream of the oil boiler and the result is all the

oil is burned completely. of course this can't work and you can't save a tank on oil a year with only water can you ?. ........ been there doing it.
and weres the energy thats used to split the water come from ,and couldnt the money spent on that, more than compensate from any fuel saving ,a bit like magic magnet motors were the magnatism doesnt run down :rolleyes:
Saw all this crap about HHO a year or so ago... The geezer that wad peddling it over in the states was a known serial fraudster and snake-oil salesman...

A good long t'internet session yielded a full scientific analysis, with numbers and equations as proof, that it was all total hoop... But then anybody with half a brain could tell you that 'you don't get owt for nowt'...

all depends on how you do it and how you control it .

all this crap about HHO a year or so ago...

if you use it on a heating sytem , you save fuel, if you use it on a vehicle engine
the correct way you save fuel , Ive actually used it to run a generator that produced 5.5KW of electricity , with this exercise it powered my whole house . I joke not.
if it was scaled up it would produce electricity cheaper than the large wind turbines, then feed it back into the grid and get paid for it !.

you talking to someone who knows but not in it for the money.
and weres the energy thats used to split the water come from ,and couldnt the money spent on that, more than compensate from any fuel saving ,a bit like magic magnet motors were the magnatism doesnt run down :rolleyes:

I wont tell you exactly how but to say the sun plays a part !

there are ways and means if one uses the grey matter.
my heating, cooking and hot water bill last year was £182.

petrol £100
chain oil £37
new chain £15
new axe £30

and i stihl:D have 2 tons of logs left.
my heating, cooking and hot water bill last year was £182.

petrol £100
chain oil £37
new chain £15
new axe £30

and i stihl:D have 2 tons of logs left.

Mine was around £200, but you notice you pay £100 for petrol for the chain saw but do not drive it down the road !.
I have combined biomass with solar / hydrogen so don't need to burn the huge volumes of wood, like today solar at 50c boiler off , no need to run it.
and i'm bored with this forum , LEARNED NOTHING !

I'm out of here

Well if you have the knowledge how to cure every disease known to man and solve the energy problems of the world. I'm not surprised you did not learn anything. Your not nailed to a cross somewhere at the moment are you, if you are, see you Monday?
Well if you have the knowledge how to cure every disease known to man and solve the energy problems of the world. I'm not surprised you did not learn anything. Your not nailed to a cross somewhere at the moment are you, if you are, see you Monday?

that is racist, incitement to holocaust and I invoke a pogrom against thee :eek:
erm there was a 3.0lt range rover lads.... *cough TD6 anyone? still pure bull**** though, and that lad in kerry is still peddling that tat over here!
The Yanks have been injecting LPG into the fuel on diesel and petrol engines for some time, it does seem to work. Don't know about Ireland but it is illegal to do this in the British isles as far as i know. Cannot see something as small as that producing enough Hydrogen to make and difference, if indeed it produces any at all. You need a LOT of electrical energy to crack Hydrogen from water.

Hi guys
Done this one in my shed
12 volt charge from my booster/charger was ample power,
Started with plain water which produced a small amount of hydrogen (tested by lighting it) very impressive,
Moved on to sea water which produced about 10 times more ,but when put under vaccumn it produces copious amounts ,
Never took it any further due to hydrogen and oxygen being produced together
Is a disaster waiting to happen, the potential of a flashback is a bit scary ,
So yep if money was put into development it would work,
Google hydrogen cell then try it yourself , just dont blow youself up ,

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