Sort of good news.

Looks like the garage have decided to search for the parts off internet companies instead of using Genuine Landy Parts. This means the reair costs have now dramatically come down, and fingers crossed they will sign it off now due to costs of repairs are now with-in 85% of the value of the car.

They will let me know on Monday.
On another insurance related note I was chatting to my mate who supplies Norwich Union (among others) with most of their data storage and software solution, and he was saying they've just started operating a scheme they're calling bluecycle where they basically are taking all there insurance writeoffs and stripping them of usable parts, then the next time your car is involved in a crash they take it off you and send it to blue cycle if it's repairable they'll uses parts from other writeoffs. If it's not then it ends up on the shelf as replacement parts for the next car what comes in. At the moment they're doing this to high end luxury cars bmw, merc, bentleys etc but They have plans to extend the scheme over the next 5 years to include every car they insure. He also told me that a insurance company has no legal right to take your car off you if you want to keep it and repair it yourself. They can't even insist on sending it to a specific garage for repair.
Great News

They have just rung and told me the Landy has been approved for repairs, they got the total repair costs down from £3090 to £1670 (Wha a reduction from shopping around for parts) they hopefully will have it finished for Friday or Saturday.
Spoke to garage today and they have told me the X-Member has now been removed and the new one welded back in, they have attached the new tow pack and are just waiting for the deliver of the new bumper tomorrow.

Finger crossed hope to have it back late tomorrow afternoon.
Contacted Garage Yesterday (Monday) and they have just finished putting the old girl back togeather, told I can collect her on Today after 9am, seeings I am working a night shift that is going to be fun, will be going to bed at 4am and getting up again at 8am so I can go off to see how well they have repaired her.

Hope to have some pictures to show you all later.

Fingers crossed they might have washed and filled it up with Diesel ;) (In My Dreams)

Watch this __________ Space
Contacted Garage Yesterday (Monday) and they have just finished putting the old girl back togeather, told I can collect her on Today after 9am, seeings I am working a night shift that is going to be fun, will be going to bed at 4am and getting up again at 8am so I can go off to see how well they have repaired her.

Hope to have some pictures to show you all later.

Fingers crossed they might have washed and filled it up with Diesel ;) (In My Dreams)

Watch this __________ Space
Well!!! whats she like....

The old girl is back, and now got a big grin on my face.

They have even fitted me a rear step, it didn't have one when it went it ;) (no extra cost)

The Slitty can go back, that will save me some fuel, it was so so thurst on juice.





At least you won't have to worry about rust at the back end of yer landy for a good few years.
At least you won't have to worry about rust at the back end of yer landy for a good few years.

So so true, also the tow hitch looks alot more substancial than the old one that was fitted, hopefully (Touch wood) if it ever gets rearended again it wont do as much damage to the chassis as the last one.

Also I have a nice step as added protection.

The new exhaust is a genuine Landy part and is sitting at the proper height now unlike the old (well 2month old) aftermarket jobby that was fitted.

Also the electrics to the tow socket have been plugged into the look behind the rear offside tail-light, the old wiring was just scotchlocked into the loom, looks like I have a little job at the week end removing all the old scotch locks and tidying the wiring up.

Also got to fit my aux. socket that they forgot to fit, nevermind I got a nice step out of it instead :)
Pleased for ye Simon, can imagine the smile on yer face :)
At least there was light at the end of the tunnel :D

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