
Well-Known Member
Not sure how many of you venture into the Trials/Motorsport forum, so thought I'd post up some pics of this weekends proceedings.

This is the ALRC National 2017 held at Stainby this year. Events include RTV Trial, CCV Trial, Comp Safari and Team Recovery. Plus other minor fun and childrens events.

I helped setup, run and marshal the RTV, so not many pics from that, but it's essentially the same idea as the CCV trial, only somewhat less hardcore. So more 'normal' looking road going Land Rovers.

Thanks to Russ Brown for this pic, as posted over on Facebook:

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Nice one.

We were going to go to spectate, but went to Thirsk instead and got outside a few beers .. :)
I was there, it was a fantastic weekend. I just did the Comp Safari. Pic's by David Dudley

Great to see you having some fun in that machine having spent so long building it.
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Great pics mate!

Cant believe how good the articulation is on that series 3, parabolics and some decent looking shocks, amazing!!

I must get out there and get involved! :)

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