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Hello all :)
Good afternoon i need help if possible please......

Im fairly new to this so please be patient with me, i have had my Land rover a "series III 88" station wagon" about 6 months and have had great fun in it, i recently had new leaf springs put on it as the old ones were knackered, the problem i have is that it is now sitting about 5 inches higher on the drivers side than the passenger side, the guy in the garage says it will be like this for a few weeks untill they bed in as the springs on the drivers side are stiffer and have more bend to accomidate always having the drivers weight on them, he says they are like this so all the springs wear out at the same time!!!!! Is this right as i really dont have a clue?!?!?!?!?!?

5" seems a bit excessive; they do have a difference in height and there as many reasons put forward as i have cheese sandwiches as to why them is like this.

who put them on? did they leave all nuts and bolts slack until it had some weight on the springs or did they tighten them whilst up in the air?

if i was you i'd take it back and watch them slacken the bolts then only tighten them with the vehicle on the ground
I was told it was to allow for the weight of the driver and the fuel tank.
But i agree with Slob 5 inches is a littel high it should only be a couple.
I was told it was to allow for the weight of the driver and the fuel tank.
But i agree with Slob 5 inches is a littel high it should only be a couple.
thats the most common one, but it dint take into account LHD nor a rear fill tank which is mounted in the middle..nearly. some even say its to compensate for the curvature of the earth
As far as i know they did the nuts and bolts up with the car on the ground, i will ring tomorrow and ask, they also left the front prop shaft off because the front axel had been moved foward with the new springs and if they had put it on the stress on it would have been massive??? Again they said give a week or so for the springs to settle down and run it back down to them and they will put it back on......just a bugger that my clutch went at the weekend so it will be a few more week before im rolling again, any ideas on prices i should be looking to pay for a new clutch?
Summat wrong there!! Couldn't put the propshaft back on? Sounds like you're being fed some bull****:confused:
nah they'll be britparts springs, they drop 5" in next to no time. but yer being fed a line fer sure, am still trying to think how the axle can move forward.

the front of the spring is fitted to the chassis and its the rear that moves so if anything it would have moved back not forward. best yer take it to someplace wot knows wot their doing
5 inches? Is that a male or female 5 inches, you didn’t say!!!
They do take some bedding-in, though. (I’m ready now, nurse!)
Stick some weight in the back. All sounds fairly routine so far to me. And the ‘bring it back’ is always good. Stick with it...
When the clutch is fixed!
Whatever you do, do not be tempted to take it to ‘Mr. #*$@lutch’. They wanted to replace the gear box on mine! -8000 miles ago!! And charge me £400 labour!
Best place to start if you cant find a decent landy place is someone who does commercial vehicles. Best of luck, let us know how you get on, please.
(Thank you, nurse. Yes, that’s much better!)
If the front axle has moved that far forward it sounds like they have put the springs around the wrong way, the alignment peg that locates on the axle saddle is offset (not in the centre of the spring) so it sounds like they have them arse ways aboot (ask yella about his rear one)
If the front axle has moved that far forward it sounds like they have put the springs around the wrong way, the alignment peg that locates on the axle saddle is offset (not in the centre of the spring) so it sounds like they have them arse ways aboot (ask yella about his rear one)
good thinking stig, sometimes i ferget how dense some folk can be
If the front axle has moved that far forward it sounds like they have put the springs around the wrong way, the alignment peg that locates on the axle saddle is offset (not in the centre of the spring) so it sounds like they have them arse ways aboot (ask yella about his rear one)

Are you sure? I've fitted la number of springs, and sold?delivered hundreds, and I've never heard that.

Springs need to bed in, but 5", someone's being conned.
Derrr! I be one dem dense ones...!!
Missed the bit about the prop not going back on! (Any more green ones, nurse?!)
Bloody good job your Not on safari! What they want you to do, chug around on two wheel drive for ‘a while’? Emmm...! Please disregard my previous post!! And use very small words!
(I think I can go home now, nurse!)
I've just renewed all the springs on my 73 Series 111. Make sure the pegs are located ! Then with weight on the truck and all bolts slack you have set the distance between spring and chassis. (Land rover w/s manual & Haynes give you the parameters. I had to get a mate to stand on the bumpers to achieve this. Then and only then tighten the shackle bolts.
Mine had a definate list to Starboard before the new springs, all fine now!

I got mine from Paddocks Bit of a Chore on my own, but the differenc in ride is unbelievable.

Good luck Robert
Pop shaft not back on ??
You sure they have put the rear springs on the front or like Stigs says the wrong way round.
If they have taken both springs off at once (On the same axle) it can be a right bugger to line up the new ones.
I would take it to someone who knows, find someone used to old landys.

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