
New Member
:mad: Another attack of thieving scum on our LR community..:frown: My DEFENDER 90 300 TDI was lifted from Sycamore Close, Takeley Village Essex (Close to Stanstead Airport) somewhere between 6th and 12th June.

Its in Gloss Coniston Green with Silver alloys and is fitted with Snorkel & chequerboard edging to panels.

Its Index is J10 HCR. It has distinctive rear tyre cover and a Rifles Care for Casualties sticker on the tail Door.

Lets see if we can locate it and nab the low life Individuals who took it. If you have any info please let me know or contact Essex Police.

For all ex Riflemen/ Ex HMF amongst you..

SWIFT AND BOLD!!:boxing:


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Flippin eck!
Eyes peeled berks/hants.

What security did u have?

Maybe worth notifying 'geocache' clubs. As they wander off the beaten track -
Remains of my 90 were found in deep woodland by such people. Within 7days of theft. Allowed the wheels of justice to start. Rest of my motor found on a ringer in ebay.

Being a 'goodboy' - the police were given the details. Arrests were made. End result pending.

Hope u get a decent result.
Thieving scum, know how you must be feeling, hope that you hear something , and hope that the local fuzz were at least bothered,,


Yes. Cheers chum. Wait until yours is taken. If these individuals target your truck they will deploy their full capability in executing the task. I trust that it does not happen to you.
You can probably tell I'm still quite annoyed. Well it's like this, I was brought up to work hard, abide by the law, show respect to others and their property. It just seems that there is a relentless rise of the unprincipled, the feckless and those of sheer bloody low moral fibre. Right, stepping of the old soap box now..
You can probably tell I'm still quite annoyed. Well it's like this, I was brought up to work hard, abide by the law, show respect to others and their property. It just seems that there is a relentless rise of the unprincipled, the feckless and those of sheer bloody low moral fibre. Right, stepping of the old soap box now..
In my opinion, vehicle theft is not taken seriously enough by the justiciary. If the thieving scumbags that target folks motors were guaranteed prison (and a good kicking into the bargain) the thefts would half.;)
sorry to but in, crashbox are you a member of the series2club, think i have seen you on there, if so can you log in to there website, as i keep getting a forbidden error and cant log on. thanks
You can probably tell I'm still quite annoyed. Well it's like this, I was brought up to work hard, abide by the law, show respect to others and their property. It just seems that there is a relentless rise of the unprincipled, the feckless and those of sheer bloody low moral fibre. Right, stepping of the old soap box now..

Keeping my fingers crossed that you get your Landy back soon and safe!
The police should take it more seriously as you can pretty much guarantee that the "gentlemen" in question are involved in other sorts of other crime as well .
They took the theft of mine seriously. Particularly when I traced someone selling the majority of my 90 on another motor on ebay.
Once I provided the Police with a name, phonenumber and location..... I asked them if they would like me to deal with it. :monitor_punch:

Thankfully it was taken seriously - certainly after locating the rest of the remains of my 90 alongside another.

If they've taken one land rover. 100% they scum are repeat offenders.

In this case....... i cannot say more. Arrests were made. It has developed further afield. Damn more involved than even the Police thought.

Hang on in there. It's a painful process. And it is bloody PERSONAL!

Take care.

Cheers Adrian, I believe that the Police are doing all in their power..but they are hard pressed and there are other matters for them over and above my old landy..just needs time and a bit of luck..keeping my eyes on eBay though! John.
I agree with gunsno1, there is very little chance stopping these thieves if they had decided to take your car. Our Disco 3 got stolen from our locked garage by braking into our second car (parking on front of the garage) and pushing it out of the way, then braking into the garage. Neighbour had CCTV overlooking our driveway, they still went ahead. The only other security measures we didn’t do is alarm the garage and install tracking… believe me, our next Landy will have all of that. Buggers!
I agree with gunsno1, there is very little chance stopping these thieves if they had decided to take your car. Our Disco 3 got stolen from our locked garage by braking into our second car (parking on front of the garage) and pushing it out of the way, then braking into the garage. Neighbour had CCTV overlooking our driveway, they still went ahead. The only other security measures we didnÂ’t do is alarm the garage and install trackingÂ… believe me, our next Landy will have all of that. Buggers!

ouu it's revive an old post day! :welcome2:

Did they get hold of the keys to steal your D3? If not how did they get into the D3? I thought D3's were pretty good on the security front :confused:
Update on my posts...
Well the Police did 'get their man'.
The utter muckwits at the CPS claimed there was insufficient evidence to prosecute for theft of my motor. Despite fact scum was nicked with 80% of my 90 - the cps has only allowed prosecution for posession of the engine!!!! Aparently the rest of my 90 around said engine cannot be proven as mine!!!!! Wtf.
The scum has pleaded 'not guilty'.
So now i have been called to court!!!!

So..... why did i give the police all the details??? Dunno.
Was brought up 'right' - as i do my kids.
Now my kids are wondering too about 'justice and what is right and wrong'.

A private show plate i bought 20 odd yrs ago is still 'out there'.
Now... if i see that plate on another vehicle - i wont involve the Police. That plate was made for me. There is no other. I know.

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