
Active Member
My wife works in a Police Control room. Her advice is check what's following you on your way home and if a bit concerned, do a few laps of the block or just pull over and let the following vehicle overtake - may as well get the reg if you do that just for good measure.

I don't work for the Police so my advice is to wire your Landy to the mains and in the morning, once you've reversed over the corpse and kicked it (several times) off your driveway, report it to said Police.

I think you can still get those blank shotgun catridge garage door alerter things whereby it releases a spring loaded pin into the cartridge if the door is opened. Perhaps convert one of those for the Landy?
I think you can still get those blank shotgun catridge garage door alerter things whereby it releases a spring loaded pin into the cartridge if the door is opened. Perhaps convert one of those for the Landy?

Indeed you can and, depending on how much you value your SGC, you could give it a try.
It would be great if you could actually do that and get away with it especially if the car was parked on private land. But the way the justice system works in the UK you would probably do more time than the car thief.
Yes, I know you're right but the justice system in this country is a bldy joke. There's just not enough detterent, nowhere near enough and yet the cuts that have been made to the Police...grrr. Anyway, I'll stop as this isn't the place for it.
You can get those shotgun (poacher) alarms as i recently bought one off ebay for my garage door and yes its VERY loud as ive forgotten about it twice already !

Wouldnt advise hooking anything up to the mains though ,unless of course you like prison food :p
I'm alright, there's a pig farm not far from me, I can through the body in there and the pigs can eat it. lol
So youve instructed your next of kin to take you to the pig farm when you forget youve wired your car to the mains ?

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