My best suggestion would be to drive one, or even better, several, before buying anything.

Series Land Rovers aren't to everyones taste. And you will need to teach yourself to service and maintain the vehicle, unless you have a very deep pocket, and want to pay someone else to do it.

They can be reliable enough for a daily drive, but like all old vehicles they need constant attention. Daily basic checks, oil water and brake fluid, regular checks of transmission oils, steering boxes, etc. Usually plenty of bulb changes, propshaft greasing, odd track rod end, stuff like that.

Consider that most of a Series is 1930s tech with a few later improvements bolted on. The overall experience is more like a vintage car than a 21st century one.

Agree with this especially drive several before you buy, you will notice big differences between a well maintained series and one that's been neglected. A lot of the things people say are bad about series land rovers is because they haven't been maintained, steering will be vague or more likely dangerous if not maintained (no power steering means its heavy when parking, light at higher speeds but it shouldn't wander or need you to fight it to keep it straight), brakes are never going to be like a modern car and an emergency stop is more like a rapid but gentle stop (you shouldn't have to pump the brakes to get them to work). Heater, never going to be as good as a modern car but if looked after they're not actually that bad.
Overall they are noisy , uncomfortable, noisy, too hot or too cold, need lots of maintenance, the wife will either love it or hate it (mine loves it with the roof off not so keen with it on -its not as noisy with the roof off), slow, always need something replaced or repaired, dogs love them (mine refuses to get in the other car), if you take it to a classic car meet most people wont be bothered about it (apart form the hundred that used to own one), everyone will ask why the hell you bought it and not an mg.

I absolutely love mine and would rather drive it than anything else, that said they are somehow both the worst and best car ever built
Thanks for all your advice, personal insights and prejudices. I will be looking at more until I find the right one - a project Series 3 88 which drives and where bulkhead is OK and most parts are original. Sorry, no Toyota engines for me; petrol 2.25 all the way. Saw a ringer yesterday - awful. Nice guy, great location but a car I wanted to walk away from the start. I'll keep looking!
Cars Leaving Canvey Island Breakfast Car Meet February 2023 - YouTube

If you want a reason to buy one its because you can drive them like this
I love it. Mind you, the Chevy pick-up behind you was tasty,.too.
Thanks for all your advice, personal insights and prejudices. I will be looking at more until I find the right one - a project Series 3 88 which drives and where bulkhead is OK and most parts are original. Sorry, no Toyota engines for me; petrol 2.25 all the way. Saw a ringer yesterday - awful. Nice guy, great location but a car I wanted to walk away from the start. I'll keep looking!

I love it. Mind you, the Chevy pick-up behind you was tasty,.too.

There were some very nice cars there although mine was the only one you could put a muddy dog in or take stuff to the tip!

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