
Been ongoing for a couple of weeks now, TD5 is pretty much gutless.

It wont rev beyond 3000rpm in any gear.
Foot flat to the floor on the motorway and its exactly the same, won't go beyond 76 with my foot planted firmly on the floor (I know the speed limit is 70mph I apologise)
Had a similar issue back in october that proved to be the fuel pump. But this somehow feels different. Back when the fuel pump was on its way out it felt as if it wanted to go but couldn't, this time is just doesn't seem to want to go.

The injector harness was replaced prior to the fuel pump so thats almost new, replaced fuel filter, cleaned air filter and ran it without up and down the road and it made no difference.
Unplugged MAF sensor and it seemed slightly worse is anything.
Not checked the wastegate now that I think of it but it was fine back in october before we diagnosed the fuel pump.

Thinking it may be the pump that is going again or perhaps a boosting issue.

Does anybody have any ideas what it could be or any suggestions for diagnosing it?

Just for fun,

Have you got diagnostics you can plug for live running data and then save tosee what it says?

I know you said that the injector harness has been changed, but before you go any further, check the red plug again, just to be sure.
Is idle lumpy. If so pull each injector electrics one at a time, that will tell you witch injector is fecked:eek:
@neilly need to get in touch with a friend to check diagnostics he's moving jobs soon so may not be able to bring scanner home now.

@Tony e idle is fine. Drives fine right up to 3000rpm then there is no more
Then if the CAT is still there it might be clogged... undo the downpipe from the turbo and make a short test drive this way where the noise is not an issue, also if the EGR is still on check that to not be clogged and clean the MAP sensor....though as said a live data log would be the best
I'll try that tomorrow if I get chance, sod the neighbours lol.
EGR is removed so can rule that out. Probably should have mention in OP
Problem solved.
Fuel pump once again. Mates dad happened to have a spare genuine pump (as you do). Swapped it out tonight and it's back to normal.

Back to suppliers for the 4 month old pump, lesson learnt don't buy cheap pumps.

Thanks for your help folks!

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