
New Member
Hi !
My Landy is a Freelander 2.0Td4 SE 5dr 4WD (2003).
Here is my problem: when I drive, the 2 front door mirrors filter in because of the wing.
I do not think that the problem is electric because I can adjust mirrors using the electric switch.
I've dismantled the mirror but I couldn't find something to adjust the strength of the arm (I tried to screw stronger the 4 little screws on the back of the motor but it didn't change anything).
Can you help me ? Thank you in advance !
(sorry if my english is not good, I'm french. Hope you can understand what I mean)
the 2 front door mirrors filter in because of the wing.

Fold in because of the wind??

I had a similar issue with my wife's FL2 when it had towing mirrors fitted. A gust of wind made the passenger side fold in and flap about afterwards.
They fold in when locked.
Locking and then unlocking the car solved the problem.

I don't know if FL1 mirrors work the same :oops:
I assume not :(
Thanks for your reply :)
But unfortunately, you were right : FL1 and FL2 mirrors don't work the same. I think the FL2 mirrors are 100% electric. I mean, you can adjust orientation of the mirrors and fold in the arm with the FL2 door mirrors but you can only adjust the orientation of the mirrors on the FL1.
I think there must be a "strong point" on the FL1 mirrors where the arm fit the line of the plastic cover on the car. On mine, you can hear a "tic" when you push the arm at its maximum position but nothing between this "tic" and the fold in position.
I'll post photos or a video today, hope it'll help you to understand what I'm failing to explain o_O
Might be a silly question, but does it have power folding mirrors on it?

This happened to me a couple of weeks ago and I couldn't understand why the mirrors were suddenly wobbly.

Turned out my other 'arf had borrowed the car and hadn't realised it had power mirrors on it so manually pulled the mirrors forward. They click but there's no spring pressure holding them there so they flop around. Took me a few minutes to figure it out.

On the electric mirror aduster set the rotation to dead centre between L and R then push the lever down towards the floor (not in, down!) if you get a loud electric whirring from both doors you know what's happened...
@B34R : you're my savior ! I didn't know my car had power folding mirror (there is no information about this in the Freelander user guide or I missed it ?) ! Thank you very much !
@All : thank you everyone for your help :)
revolution [rev-uh-loo-shuh n]
1. an overthrow or repudiation and the thorough replacement of an established government or political system by the people governed.
2. Sociology. a radical and pervasive change in society and the social structure, especially one made suddenly and often accompanied by violence.
Compare social evolution.
3. a sudden, complete or marked change in something <-- I'm right ^^

You see ? :D:p;)

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