
New Member
Hey all,
Iv been on a green laning day with a club in Northumberland and its great and I will continue doing so but I really fancy going out in the summer by myself with the missus and the dogs, finding a quite spot camping for the night and continuing on early the next morning. My only worry is getting stuck/breaking down in the middle of no where...I wouldn't want to just post on here if I did get stuck and expect someone to come out for me fow nowt...but what if I arranged with a few people on here first that if I did get stuck they would come and help me for a price? Chances are I'd be ok but if the **** hits the fans I know I'd be able to call on someone to come and help me out!
Any thoughts?
Haha what a fookin responce! Regarding the deposit...I'll send it when I'm stuck...regarding the pics of the missus..I'll send them when I'm stuck too..bit of an incentive to get there quicker!!!! I ain't even going to get into sending pictures of my dogs out...that's just wrong.
Winch and a land anchor and you might be a bit more self sufficient. I've done it myself a couple of times down lanes I know that I can manage with no drama's but new lanes you'd mad because even the simplest of environments can go wrong and leave you as stuck as a stuck thing. I wouldn't go relying on being able to make mobile phone contact either as that usually lets you down when you most need it.

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