
New Member
I have a solex carb on my series 2 thats a little on the fooked side is it worth rebuilding it or is it a better idea to go for the weber conversion
The Solex is rebuildable, but if the body of the carb has worn around the throttle butterfly spindle then they are usually scrap unless you can get someone to press in some small brass bushes and ream to size............seen done once and really not worth it.

The Weber will give you slightly better MPG, but it achieves this my having a smaller venturi than the Solex. The Weber is in fact a little restrictive and you will suffer a small lose of top end power.
Thanks for the info, I have just looked at the price of the adaptor plate to fit a weber in place of a solex .........£68 thats nearly as much as the carb itself
You can recon the carb cost at about £90 ish but it comes back brand new and is a dream to use, they even tune it in for you so you just have to re fit it again

Carb exchange is the place you need Goggle is your friend
Don't waste your time on rebuilding, get a 50 quid replacement from,
I did and mine ticks like a watch. Stench.

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