
New Member
Well its summer and I've bought a soft top roof on ebay.

It says complete but before I buy it can anyone confirm all the bits I should get?

Well its summer and I've bought a soft top roof on ebay.

It says complete but before I buy it can anyone confirm all the bits I should get?


You should get the 2 side windows, 2 side finishing trims, 2 rear brackets, and a red key. You should also get 2 self locking pins.

The side finishing trims are important, without them the wind noise is quite loud.
The rear brackets mount either side of the rear door (lock in with red key), and your roof simply clips onto these.
The self locking pins secure the 'arms' of the roof to the car body.

Hope this helps,
You should get the 2 side windows, 2 side finishing trims, 2 rear brackets, and a red key. You should also get 2 self locking pins.

The side finishing trims are important, without them the wind noise is quite loud.
The rear brackets mount either side of the rear door (lock in with red key), and your roof simply clips onto these.
The self locking pins secure the 'arms' of the roof to the car body.

Hope this helps,

Thanks Russ - I presume also a roof!

Thread bump (and a half).

I have now acquired a soft top. Yep, all goes on. EXCEPT the clamps that fit in the body,

They work on a lug system, just like the hard top. And instead of a handle, you use the red key (need to order one). Meter key seems to work. But the length of the lug on the soft top clamp (both sides are identical) is about 6-8mm shorter than that of the hard top..... the locating bar in the body is supposedly on a spring (logical so it pulls down and seals), but the lug isn't long enough to locate round the fitting bar/pin, no matter how hard you press down. MY guess is that it's about 1-2mm too shallow to grab. no more than that. But I can't force it. Took off the trim panel and it's clear that it's a spring in a cylinder and can be moved (with difficulty).

Is it just a case of 'persuading the spring' to compress by usiing needle pliers so it will relax a bit, compress and connect (probably hasn't been off in 16 years), or am I missing a trick.... the part # seems identical for 1996-2006... so hasn't changed.

Thank you (and apologies for repeated questions.

Thank you

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