Evening folks. Hoping you can point me in the right direction. I have an early 90s Defender 90 2.5.
Two issues. When its early or late in the day, and it's a bit damp, I get a heck of a squeeling when I lift the clutch through the lower gears. Eventually goes away, and not during the day when its warmer.
Secondly - the clutch has got nothing to it until the very last bit. The pedals not totally slack but not as firm as it used to be. I replaced the clutch master cylinder a couple of years ago as the seal had gone. It still drives fine and can change gear. Does it need the fluid changing or something adjusting? Any ideas appreciated.
Might be worth bleeding the system through with fresh stuff, that way if any air has got in you can rectify it. The squealing sounds like your steering pump belt. Tension it up, or replace it if its worn it's a straight forward job.

These are simple tips, someone will be along with other suggestions but we'll get there.
Agree with Doriz on the squeal likely a belt. I’ve only got the 1 aux belt and when it’s getting slack it squeals as I rev, once engine is warm it stops. Check and tighten.

Can’t help on the clutch I’m afraid.
Ive never heard of a squealing clutch but if it is slipping and it is damp its not inconceivable thats its doing the same as a loose aux belt?
if all the good other suggestions prove not to be the problem I have known the flywheel spigots bush to be dry they are a oilet bush and can squeal some times
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