Iv got a mix of teng, halfords pro and snap on/ blue point. Don't notice much difference in the actual sockets other that the texture of them but my snap on ratchets seem to take the most abuse and I'm comparison to teng and snap on the halfords ratchets feel very notchy and lock up at times.

got a halfords one looks n feels good hardy stuff, just need to get on with maintenance on the dizzy now
Halfords are good and you can extend the set quite cheaple through EBay buying one or two at a time, their ratchet spanners are also worth the money.
I wouldnt bother with Snapon unless you work in a garage, the only reason is although they are good the reason why they cost so much is if you work in a garage a rep will come round once a week and replace any tools that get broken , for free, this is what you are paying for. Halfords pro are every bit as good as snapon.
Ive got a craftsman set that it good.

One of the things i find good from the US of A is the tools.
Ive got a craftsman set that it good.

One of the things i find good from the US of A is the tools.
Aye lad, there's a whole lot of of them there complete too-ills in't younighted states!

Met one once who could nearly understand English! ;););)
I have a mix of tools like most people.... For price and quality Teng, Blue Point and Halfords pro are good. For any cheap budget stuff, Silverline now do a lifetime guarantee on hand tools (providing you register them online within 30 days of purchase), I have some ratchet spanners from them and so far I have only broken one, which I replaced with a Teng.:)
:D:Dstarted to use the halfords advanced pro set ive just bought n can say its a very good bit of kit, for myself on a very tight bugdet its worth all the money and it was half price aswell,

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