
New Member
As its Christmas (well almost) I just thought I would lighten up and ask you all a basic down to earth question....

what made you decide on a Landrover?

My reason was that when I met my second wife we were determined to realise a dream we both had...so we got it...the kids love it too...ok is sentimental but i just wondered about you guys
My reason?

Just because you can't beat a Landy! Its almost a religion to some people. What other car would you spend all your spare cash and spare weekends on? Ok, maybe a mini, but its still the "Best of British!" (? um? well? they were at the time?)

I would love to see a Rav4 in 50 years time still going strong???????????? Nope! Don't think so some how.
I would love to see a Rav4 in 50 years time still going strong???????????? Nope! Don't think so some how

did you mis- spell months there?
i bought mine cos i'm a gluten for punishment but enough of my sex life
what other vehicle can you still get cheap parts for?? you try buying parts for an old jag , you'd have to have access to the local hospital to be able to afford them.
We bought a Disco because my wife has rhuemtoid arthritus easy access in and out of it, we bought a 1991 V8I, recently sold it, remorgaged the house put deposit on Disco 3, was gonna go for TD5 but salesman talk us into Disco 3. Just love it!!!!.
Because we love our lr's, we have had 4 discos and 1 range rover in the last 16 years, currently have a disco 3 and a td5. They are good quality 4x4s and you get a much better offroader than and other 4x4s for the same price (new). We live in the country side and need them for towing horse trailers and for towing off road. Out of what we tested, the disco 3 was the best and it will also hold its value better than the other 4x4s we looked at for the price.
cos i had an operation to have my brain removed, realised i had some time on my hands so i thought i would buy a landy to consume all my spare time and any spare cash i might come across,lol.
Hi fishface,i totally agree withall you say there.I`ve had four various landies so far & i know if i had anything else now,it just would`nt be right.I know they can play up now & again but they seem to get under your skin.Dunno if you are like me but i see my landie parked outside & always feel chuffed that its mine!I`ve had landies for nine years now & if you want the truth,i still dont completely know what it is about `em! Sad or what!? P.S. Your piccy...Dundry about 3 weeks ago,if i`m not mistaken? mucky`un.
Hi mucky'un, yep Dundry 3 weeks ago! Made the rookie mistake of not checking before driving straight on in! That hole was nothing but a bottomless sh$t pit! A couple of lads tried to pull me back out but it wouldn't budge. Ended up being winched out, two seconds later a 90 who had seen me stuck drove straight on it and got totally wedged!

Are you up there on Sunday 18th? Hopefully I should be there, give me a way and we'll chew the fat over a coffee!
Hi danny like the rest of the lads say once you have had a landy they get under your skin, iam the best example of that cos like a muppet ive just bought a d3, but ive got to say with a big WOW its ace. We had a 1999 td5 last and me and the wife were upset to see it go but well life goes on, Good thread by the way its making me smile i too had a gun held to my head when i said yes to the new car :) but in my case it was the wife not the salesman:D all the best for now bigcol:eek: .
Hi again fishface,no i wont be able to make the 18th sorry.Hope to de-mothball my s111 swb early new year & get it up there on the back of my disco.I think it was around boxing day last year i won a trophy up there with my rangie...for the best dressed mobile xmas tree!Had it all decked out with spare trimmings left over from home!Now i`ve blown all my street-cred i`ll leave it like that for now..All the best.Mucky`un.
Hi danny, got 3 kids and always had their friends to transport so i searched for a7 seater plus i got bad knees and a rover 620 but got sick of trying to get out of it as it was like sitting on the floor, didn't want a normal people carrier and my in laws suggested a disco........had it about 4 weeks and keep doing bits to it to improve it as its a k reg i love it to bits......wouldnt dream of spending money on my 620
I agree with that "sitting on the floor" feeling you get in cars. My right knee is shot so getting in & out of a car is a real chore, especially when some tw*t has parked really close-up. Stabbing pains in your knee whilst trying to stop your door touching the next car and contorting your body out of the car in a ridiculously small gap ain't no fun. :mad:
Well the bug has been biting me for years, but always thought it would be stupid money to run and with three kids practicality won out..... but glad to say its not much more than most of the vehicles I've had, insurance was a nice surprise... Also since I was a nipper my m8s dad had one and (my m8 has built some wild things for off roading too), he still has the same one now, an old T reg series, I remember him rolling the bare chassis around after filling it with oil... :) (Owns a farm hence loads of room to tinker)

Also I love looking out the window and seeing it parked out side also... :D

Doesnt matter what car someone else has, a Landy always makes um green... :p
just been readding reply from murkster. I agree with him totally about looking out of the window at your own discovery.......great isn't it
I always liked range rovers but i also thort that the runing costs would be crazy, But after my dad bought a P38a range rover and got it LPGed i would do anything to drive it (also cost less to run than my escort cosworth). So that was that the hunt was on. I found a little garage with a few range rovers but i fell in love with a black V8 disco so bye bye cossie and hello disco. Still sumtimes miss the power of the cossie but wouldnt go back to ford now after having a landy.
I bought a Range Rover because my nice shiney new Corsa didn't like going over plowed fields (plus it really annoys the hell out of the green earth tree huggers) and I can fit the dogs, fishing gear in the thing

Because after 18 months i really really missed my first one.

Frontera was ok, when bits stopped falling off.
Shogun was, well, a shogun.
I wanted to go back to a disco, a bit of character, and you know, you just know if it ever hits the fan the disco will do what you want it too, when you want it too.
Plus the mileage they can take (all landys) is better than ANY other 4x4 on the market.

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