
New Member
Hi all so this is my first post I've put up and I suppose unsuprisingly it is becasue I have a problem with my lovely P38.
I do not know if this is a huge problem or not. To give you all a bit of history, I've always wanted a Range Rover, I was checking out LPG P38s and ended up buying one which I knew had a coouple of suspension issues. It is a 4.6L Vogue 2000 reg X plate.
It turns out the suspension was not the only issue (which was just replacment air bags) and due to a destroyed fan belt I have just sorted the cooling problems (getting rid of the air locks).

2 weeks ago I realised the heater pumps out heat full blast on the passenger side and will not cool down, but on the drivers side it works fine. I figure this is probably to do with the mixing valves or somthing so I'll get around to sorting it but for the moment it shouldn't be a problem.

Then last night she just stopped. All electrics working, turns over fine just won't fire. It feels like there is just no fuel getting to the engine. So I wait for the RAC. They take about an hour. Turn the key.... she fires first time. So on my way again. 1.5 miles later same thing. RAC again and same thing happens.... and then a 3rd time.

So on the back of truck and taken home. The RAC guys reckons it could be (is most likely) the crank sensor. To be fair after fidling around with the sensor a bit it did start (we then got 6 miles before it stopped).

I'm really just after a second opinion as to what it could be. Like I say all electrics work fine. When it turns over (and isn't working) the rev counter doesn't move and stays stone dead. Leave it to cool for an hour and she fires up no problem.

Weird, and any help appreciated.

Diagnostics is the first step unless you want to throw money at it buying random parts in the hope of fixing it.

Seems like it could be the crank sensor....

Only way to be truly sure is to get it on diagnostics and see if there is a fault code logged for it....

If after a bit of wiggling it started and ran for longer, I would say thats the culprit....and then when it cut out it had been jiggled out of position again......or it is breaking down electricaly when it gets warm.....and when it cools down (waiting for the RAC) it works...then it heats up and fails again.....
Does sound like the crank sensor. Had the same, almost identical situation a few months ago. Car just stopped but after 40 minutes started and got me 3 miles before it happened again. Same again and then called the AA to get the car home. New crank sensor and no more problems - from that anyway! I also took the precaution of changing the engine temp sensor as that can also cause start problems.
My car is a 2000 4.6
Thanks guys.
I had it recovered to the local Land Rover specialist so should be on the diagnostics this afternoon to find the culprit.
Fingers crossed
First thoughts after the diagnostic is that the crank shaft sensor has dropped dead. A new one arrives tomorrow and then a few more tests... Hopefully this should be it and I can crack on with my RR owning adventure.
So a new crank shaft sensor seems to have done the trick. Will give it a proper test tomorrow. However now the courtesy light doesn't come on when the doors are open. Still works on the switch so no big deal, just irritating. The other thing is that when its locked using the fob the indicators used flash but they now appear to have stopped. And finally the dash keeps telling me the key battery is low but I changed the batteries and the message hasn't gone away. All minor stuff but still would be nice to sort out so any suggestions welcome,
So a new crank shaft sensor seems to have done the trick. Will give it a proper test tomorrow. However now the courtesy light doesn't come on when the doors are open. Still works on the switch so no big deal, just irritating. The other thing is that when its locked using the fob the indicators used flash but they now appear to have stopped. And finally the dash keeps telling me the key battery is low but I changed the batteries and the message hasn't gone away. All minor stuff but still would be nice to sort out so any suggestions welcome,

Cool glad it's a runner once again.

Try holding the interior light switch for a few seconds until a message pops up on the dash saying interiors lights on.
Sounds like the BECM has got a little confused, I guess the garage has disconnected the battery. You could try disconnecting the battery negative for a few minutes and reconnecting. Read the handbook re alarm before you do and have your EKA code handy in case.

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